Taraval Station

Daily Crime Report :: Fri – Apr 28, 2017

*** Not all crimes are reported in the daily report *** Date of reported incident are not always the same as date of occurrence ***
Here’s the link to the RSS feed for the Daily Crime Reports: http://www.taraval.org/?cat=14&feed=rss2

Shoplifting with Force
10:42 am
1200 Taraval St
Officers responded to a report of a shoplifter. The victim reported that the suspect was observed selecting and concealing several personal hygiene items in a white plastic bag. When the victim attempted to detain the suspect, the suspect lifted up his shirt and announced that he had a knife. The suspect threatened the victim against stopping him and fled the location with the stolen merchandise. 

11:57 pm
Ocean Ave & Plymouth Ave
Officers responded to a report of a fight. The victim reported that he had just finished purchasing items at a corner store when three unknown suspects exited the vehicle and hit him on his head with a metal pipe. While speaking with the victim, the officers observed that he was intoxicated and was holding an open can of beer. A witness reported that that there were two suspects who hit the victim and believed that the suspects had also stolen something from a nearby store. 


5:22 am
00 Lakewood Ave
Officers responded to a report of a vehicle on fire, which was successfully extinguished by the SFFD. The SFFD determined that the fire was started inside the vehicle but was unable to locate the owner of the vehicle. 

11:14 am
Montana St & Captiol Ave
Officers responded to a report of a motorcycle on fire. SFFD successfully extinguished the fire but was unable to locate the owner of the vehicle. 

Drinking from an Open Container – Cited
4:10 pm
19th Ave & Lincoln Way
Officers responded to a report of a possible assault of a homeless suspect slapping a child. Responding officers located the subject matching the information given by the caller but were unsuccessful in locating the witness who had called in the report or the victim. The subject was later cited for having an open container of vodka in public.

Reported 12:58 am / 1300 48th Ave / unlawful entry

Reported 11:22 pm / 600 Lincoln Way / shoplifting
Reported 6:32 pm / 3200 20th Ave / theft of a unattended cell phone
Reported 6:25 pm / 33200 20th Ave / shoplifting
Reported 1:42 pm / 200 West Portal Ave / shoplifting
Reported 1:15 pm / 2800 37th Ave / theft of garden rocks and plants

Vandalism to Property
Reported 6:09 pm / 1600 48th Ave / dent to vehicle.

Reported 3200 20th Ave / 7:21 pm / fraud to obtain money

Traffic Collision
Reported 1:15 pm / 35th Ave & Lawton St / Vehicle vs Vehicle