Taraval Station

Captain Flaherty’s Message Regarding the Recent Shooting

Tragically on Monday, another life was lost to violence in the Taraval district. While the violent shooting that occurred on Sunset Blvd. and Kirkham St. was not connected to the neighborhood, the incident alone is enough to scare residents and leave many with the question “Are we safe?”. The members of Taraval are committed to the reduction of violence throughout the district and are mindful of community concerns surrounding violence. I have received many phone calls and emails regarding the incident and unfortunately, because it is an ongoing homicide investigation, I am limited as to the information I can release.

As the commanding officer, it’s incredibly important for me to be available to listen to community members. Please, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. Denise.Flaherty@sfgov.org or Taraval station at 415-759-3100