Taraval Station

Daily Crime Report :: Wed – June 07, 2017

*** Not all crimes are reported in the daily report *** Date of reported incident are not always the same as date of occurrence ***
Here’s the link to the RSS feed for the Daily Crime Reports: http://www.taraval.org/?cat=14&feed=rss2

Traffic Violation – Warrant Arrest – Arrested
10:33 pm
Eucalyptus Dr & 19th Ave
Officers were conducting traffic enforcement when they observed a vehicle traveling 53 mph in a 35mph zone. The officers conducted a traffic stop and a computer check on the driver revealed that he had a warrant for his arrest. The driver was arrested.

Vehicle Violation – Suspended Driver’s License – Cited
4:55 pm
23rd Ave & Irving St
Officers were on patrol and observed a vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed. A computer check on the vehicle revealed that that the registration had been expired since last year. The officers conducted a traffic stop and a second computer check revealed that the license had also been suspended due to a history of citations for driving with a suspended license. The driver was cited and his vehicle towed.

Attempted Burglary
1:15 pm
300 Byxbee St
Officers responded to a burglary in progress. The victim reported that he sitting on the couch when he thought he heard the front gate being opened loudly followed by additional banging on the front door. The victim went to investigate and observed two suspects attempting to gain entry through the front door. The victim went to the kitchen to get a knife for protection before being confronted with one of the suspects, who was also holding a knife. The suspect demanded money but the victim replied that he did not have any. The victim made a call the police while the suspects fled the location. 

Reported 9:03 am / 1700 Ocean Ave / cash register draw stolen
Reported 2:57 pm / 1500 Sloat Blvd / shoplifting
Reported 2:59 pm / 00 Harding Road / bicycle stolen
Reported 2:14 pm / Rivas Ave & Garces Dr / license plate stolen
Reported 9:34 pm / John Muir Dr & Lake Merced Blvd / stolen license plate
Reported 4:13 pm / 100 Magellan Ave / items stolen by invited guest
Reported 8:36 pm / 2500 26th Ave / stolen license plate

Vandalism to Property
Reported 6:22 pm / 2600 Ocean Ave / vandalism to vehicle
Reported 1:20 pm / Brotherhood Way & Lake Merced Blvd

Theft from Vehicles
Reported 6:07 pm / 00 Woodacre Dr
Reported 4:02 pm / 1700 Holloway Ave
Reported 7:10 pm / 3200 20th Ave
Reported 4:07 am / 100 Shields St

Stolen Vehicle
Reported 9:44 am / 700 Taraval St / light blue 2000 Honda Civic