Taraval Station

Daily Crime Report :: Sat – July 22, 2017

*** Not all crimes are reported in the daily report *** Date of reported incident are not always the same as date of occurrence ***
Here’s the link to the RSS feed for the Daily Crime Reports: http://www.taraval.org/?cat=14&feed=rss2

Vandalism to Vehicle – Arrested
4:38 pm
1000 Ocean Ave
Officers responded to a report of vandalism to a MUNI bus. The victim, the bus driver, reported that the suspect suddenly jumped in front of the bus and ripped off the window wipers before walking to the side mirror and cracking it. Responding officers located the suspect and after further investigation, the suspect was arrested.  

Warrant Arrest – Arrested
1:40 pm
1500 Sloat Blvd
Officers responded to a report of a subject with a knife. The witness reported that a subject was taking drugs while on the property and refusing to leave. Responding officers made contact with the subject and a computer check revealed that the suspect had a warrant for his arrest. The suspect was arrested.

Violation of Restraining Order – Arrested
11:40 am
20th Ave & Taraval St
Officers responded to a report of a person who was holding a metal pole and acting strangely. Responding officers located the suspect, who had a known history of restraining order violations and was specifically restricted from holding on to any type of pole or stick like object. The restraining order was confirmed and the suspect was arrested.  

Battery – Cited
3:11 pm
3500 Santiago St
Officers responded to a report of a landlord and tenant dispute. The victim reported that he was using FaceTime and speaking to a friend about a situation at his house. Despite being told otherwise, the victim found that the house was still under construction after he had moved in. The victim stated that the suspect, his landlord, overheard his conversation and attempted to take the phone away from him. The victim reported that he suffered scratches and injuries to his hand from the suspect’s actions. After further investigation, the suspect was cited.

False Evidence of Registration
8:46 pm
1400 32nd Ave
Officers responded to a report of a vehicle, with two different license plates, that had been parked at the same location for over three days. A computer check revealed that the vehicle had last been registered since 2011 and that the rear license plate did not belong on that vehicle. The vehicle was later towed.

Reported 11:56 am / 1500 22nd Ave / theft of bicycle

Reported 7:58 pm / 2300 Noriega St / stolen cell phone
Reported 6:19 pm / 00 West Portal Ave / shoplifting
Reported 9:27 am / 2100 35th Ave / stolen license plate
Reported 10:30 am / 2100 15th Ave / stolen license plate
Reported 11:00 am / 2100 35th Ave / stolen license plate

Vandalism to Property
Reported 4:35 pm / 1500 16tH Ave / tire slashing

Theft from Vehicles
Reported 5:25 pm / Junipero Serra Blvd & Eucalyptus Dr
Reported 11:30 pm / 1400 Irving St
Reported 4:44 pm / 2100 48th Ave
Reported 2:30 pm / 200 Kensington Way
Reported 7:15 pm / 3200 20th Ave
Reported 7:35 pm / 3200 20th Ave

Stolen Vehicle
Reported 11:48 am / La Playa St & Judah St / black 2016 Mazda Six