Taraval Station

Captain’s Message : July 2017 / 分局局長信息2017年7月

It’s about that time of year when law enforcement and the community celebrate National Night Out. Each year, on August 1 Taraval Station in partnership with the OMI community host the event which promotes community engagement and trust building. This year we are excited to be hosting this event in two locations. We will continue to have our traditional event at Minnie Lovie Rec Center in the OMI but his year with the help of community volunteers, we are hosting a second event at Playland on 43rd Ave between Judah and Irving. The two events will be held simultaneously on Tuesday, August 1, 2017 from 5pm to 8pm. I hope many of you will decide to participate in one of the celebrations. There will be food provided, face painting, jumpies, entertainment and a special appearance by McGruff the Crime Dog. This is a wonderful opportunity for the officers of Taraval Station to engage with the community as well as a great time for community members to get to know their neighbors. Officers and community members have put a lot of effort into planning the two events so come on out and enjoy the event that has been planned for you. See you there!! http://sanfranciscopolice.org/nightout

 Last night at Lakeshore Plaza a robbery occurred. The victim in the case was selling a pair of Jordan Basketball shoes. When the victim met with potential buyers, one of buyers displayed a firearm in his waistband and both suspects then robbed the victim. Officers responded to the scene and an investigation is ongoing as the investigator and video retrieval officer are searching for investigative leads. With so many folks using on line forums to sell goods, we strongly encourage those buying and selling goods to utilize your local police station as the safe meeting/exchange point. If you have any information regarding this incident, please call Taraval Station to speak with the investigator. Lakeshore Plaza continues to be a priority for officers who strive to maintain a high visible presence in the area in an effort to prevent crime and maintain safety for the community. 

Update: Thanks to the diligent and swift work of Sgt Doherty it has been determined that this robbery incident was not a random act. The parties involved had prior interaction through the sales of goods. The suspects in this case were sold a fraudulent item and wanted their money refunded. When the victim refused,  they set up another sale with the victim without the victim knowing he was meeting with the same subjects. When the victim and suspects met, the suspects demanded their money be returned for the fraudulent item. When the victim refused, the suspects took the victims wallet and striped him down to his under garments. While this type of incident is disturbing, it’s important for the residents to know the back story to the incident. Taraval officers will continue to have an increased visible presence for the safety of the community. If you have concerns or questions please contact me at Taraval Station. I welcome your feedback and any suggestions you may have in order to offer the highest level of service to the community.

 On July 11, 2017 we had an incident of a healing scam which occurred in the area of 30th and Lawton. On this date a Chinese female victim encountered 1 female suspect and two male suspects who convinced the victim that she looked ill. They further convinced her that if she placed her finger into a cup of water they could determine if she was in fact ill. Once the victim had removed her finger from the water, the female suspect informed her she had cancer and that she could be healed for a donation. The victim, gave the suspects $5,000.00 and in exchange, the suspects gave the victim a bottle of water with a worm and one dollar bill inside. They told her to drink from it every day for a month and she would be healed. Two days later, the victim realized she had been scammed and reported it to police. This incident is actively being investigated by the SFPD Financial Crimes Unit. Shortly after the incident was reported to us, we posted safety tips to avoid being scammed to Taraval.org, the San Francisco Police Department also issued a press release which also outlined safety tips. While we have not seen another incident like this since July 11th and these types of incident are rare in the Taraval, they do occur more frequently in the Richmond and Central district. Although we utilized our website and Chinese media to get information out to the community, I felt it was important to continue to message tips that would help to keep our residents safe from being victimized. If you have any information about this incident, or if you have recently been a victim of a scam but are fearful to come forward, please contact me at Taraval Station so I can assist you, 415-759-3100.  Resources are also available for Cantonese speakers, who can call a special tip line at 415-553-9212 or 855-737-3847.

SFPD Police Warn Chinese Community of Latest “Blessing” Scam Incident (17-104) – 三藩市警察局提醒華裔社區有關最近祈福黨案件(17-104)

SFPD Offer Resources to the Chinese Community Affected by Blessing and Healing Scams (17-107) – 三藩市警察局為受祈福黨及寶藥黨影響的華裔社區提供的資源(17-107)

一年一度執法人員與社區同慶的全國防罪夜又將來臨。在8月1日,Taraval警察分局與OMI社區一起合辦在區內的全國防罪夜,加強社區聯繫及建立互信,今年,我們很高興同時在兩處地點舉行,除了一如以往在OMI社區的Minnie Lovie康樂中心外,得助於社區義工的幫忙,我們在43rd Ave介乎Judah 及 Irving的Playland也舉辦另一場。這兩場活動同時在2017年8月1日星期二下午5時至8時舉行,我希望您能參與其中一場。活動節目豐富,有食物、面部彩繪、兒童彈跳屋、娛樂活動及有人穿上McGruff偵探狗服飾與小朋友同樂,這是與Taraval分局警員互動的良機,也是認識鄰居的最佳時刻。警員及社區人士花了很多心力籌備,這兩場活動是為您而設,請齊來共慶,屆時見!詳情可瀏覽http://sanfranciscopolice.org/nightout

昨晚在Lakeshore Plaza發生一宗劫案,事主正在出售一對Jordan的藍球鞋,當事主與自稱的買家會面時,其中一名人從腰間亮出槍械,然後兩名人合力搶劫事主。警員接報到場處理,案件仍在調查當中。現時越來越多人利用網站出售貨品,我們強烈建議那些賣家及買家利用你們的地區警局作為安全的會面及交收場所。如果你們對這宗案件有任何訊息,請致電Taraval分局告之調查探員。Lakeshore Plaza仍然是我們列為優先的區域,以保持警力防止罪案發生及維持社區安全。

