*** Not all crimes are reported in the daily report *** Date of reported incident are not always the same as date of occurrence ***
Here’s the link to the RSS feed for the Daily Crime Reports: https://www.taraval.org/?cat=14&feed=rss2
Spitting on the Sidewalk – Cited
4:55 pm
700 Taraval St
Officers responded to a report of a suspect panhandling in the middle of the street. Responding officers arrived and located the suspect, who was dancing on the sidewalk. When the officers attempted to make contact with the suspect, the suspect spat on the sidewalk and continued to do so after being asked to stop. The suspect was also recognized as being previously arrested for vandalizing a neighborhood Safeway. After further investigation, the suspect was cited.
Vehicle Tampering – Trespassing – Cited
12:15 pm
1200 14th Ave
Officers responded to a report of a suspect sitting inside the victim’s vehicle. Responding officers located the suspect, who was recognized as having a known history of multiple contacts with the SFPD and was considered a nuisance to many of the merchants and residents in the area. The victim stated that the suspect had been continuously requested to stay out of the parking lot and away from the vehicles for the past three days. Earlier today, the victim discovered the suspect was inside his vehicle and was uncertain how the suspect made entry into the locked vehicle. After further investigation, the suspect was cited.
Trespassing – Warrant Arrest – Arrested
9:37 am
8300 Oceanview Ter
Officers responded to a report of a trespasser. The witness reported that a transient subject, who had been warned multiple times in the past against trespassing, was located sleeping inside the stairwell of the complex. Responding officers made contact with the subject and a computer check revealed that he had a warrant for his arrest out of San Bruno. After further investigation, the subject was arrested.
Assault – Arrested
1:26 am
19th Ave & Winston Dr
Officers responded to a report of a person standing in the mddle of the LRV train tracks. The victim reported that he was walking on 19th Avenue, just behind the suspect when the suspect stopped and asked the victim a question. The victim did not reply to the suspect and continued walking. Immediately afterwards, the victim suddenly heard the sound of glass breaking and was hit from behind by the suspect wielding a golf club. The suspect was then observed getting on to a nearby MUNI LRV. Responding officers located the suspect and made contact but the suspect refused to make a statement. After further investigation and an interview with a witness, who validated the victim’s report, the suspect was arrested.
Reported 1:48 pm / 200 Winston Dr / shoplifting with force
Vandalism to Property
Reported 3:18 am / 900 Irving St / vandalism to property
Traffic Collision
Reported 9:00 am / Sunset Bvd & Lawton St / Vehicle vs Vehicle
Reported 1:30 pm / 1300 7th Ave / Vehicle vs Vehicle
Reported 9:30 am / 00 Lunado Way & Holloway Ave / Vehicle vs Vehicle
Reported 1:00 am / 600 Monterey Blvd / Vehicle vs Vehicle