Taraval Station

Daily Crime Report :: Sat – Sep 23, 2017

*** Not all crimes are reported in the daily report *** Date of reported incident are not always the same as date of occurrence ***
Here’s the link to the RSS feed for the Daily Crime Reports: http://www.taraval.org/?cat=14&feed=rss2

Disturbing the Peace
12:32 am
2700 43rd Ave
Officers responded to a report of a loud party. The victim reported that he and his family were unable to sleep, despite the late hour, due to a large party which was going on across from his backyard. The responding officers make contact with the suspect and advised her to quiet down the party or to bring it indoors. An hour passed and the victim reported that the party was too loud. Responding officers again advised the suspect about the noise from the party. The victim made a third call to the police and asked to press charges against the victim. After responding out to the location to speak with the victim, the party was observed to be concluded and multiple guests were leaving. The officers attempted to cite the suspect, but the suspect refused to open the door.    

Warrant Arrest – Arrested
3:12 pm
Noriega St & 41st Ave
Officers responded to a report of a suspect hitting his dog. The officers located the suspect and a computer check on the suspect revealed that he had a warrant for his arrest. The suspect told the officers that he was carrying “acid” and a search revealed a small stamp, the size of penny, which contained LSD. The suspect was arrested.

Public Nuisance – Park Code Violation – Arrested
3:00 pm
Sunset Blvd & Martin Luther King Dr
Officers responded to a report of a subject setting up camp in the bushes area. Responding officers made contact with the subject and observed several make shift tents with a large amount of food and clothing in the area. The area was also noted to smell heavily of urine and of feces with several flies circling the immediate area. An offer was made from the Homeless Outreach Team for shelter was made to the subject and refused. The subject was advised and agreed to collect his items and leave. However after responding back to the area four times within a five hour period, no attempt had been made to clear the area. A computer check revealed that the subject had been cited numerous times by the SFPD and Park Rangers for the same offensive. The subject was later arrested.

Trespassing – Resisting Police – Under the Influence – Arrested
2:45 am
300 Monticello St
Offices responded to a report of a suspect sitting on a step and refusing to leave. Responding officers made contact with the suspect and attempted to speak with him. The suspect smelled strongly of alcohol with an unfocused stare and did not acknowledge the officers.  The victim reported that she and the suspect had previously dated but ended the relationship a while ago. Earlier in the evening, they both attended the same party and the suspect appeared to be angry and jealous. Several hours later, the suspect arrived at her house and rang the doorbell but the victim refused to answer the door. The suspect then sat on her stairs and refused to move, despite the victim threatening to press charges. The officers made a second attempt to speak to the suspect sat unmoving and again ignored the officers. An attempt was made to place the suspect under arrest, which the suspect resisted by pulling his hands away from them. After several minutes of struggle, the suspect was hand cuffed and later arrested.  

Reported 7:08 am / 1900 30th Ave / forced entry
Reported 1:25 pm / 800 Taraval St / forced entry into business

Reported 11:15 am / Judah St & 48th Ave / stolen bicycle
Reported 12:15 pm / 1900 Lawton St & 24th Ave / stolen license plate

Vandalism to Property
Reported 3:15 pm / 3200 20th Ave / slashing tires
Reported 7:37 pm / 200 Miramar Ave / roommate damaging door

Reported 5:00 pm / 2100 27th Ave / identity theft

Theft from Vehicles
Reported 10:59 pm / Clearfield Dr & Ocean Ave
Reported 12:00 am / 100 Byxbee St
Reported 8:39 am / 2100 25th Ave
Reported 9:47 am / 300 Judah St

Traffic Collision
Reported 4:59 pm / Vicente St & 14th Ave / Vehicle vs Vehicle