Taraval Station

Daily Crime Report :: Fri – Dec 29, 2017

*** Not all crimes are reported in the daily report *** Date of reported incident are not always the same as date of occurrence ***
Here’s the link to the RSS feed for the Daily Crime Reports: http://www.taraval.org/?cat=14&feed=rss2

Robbery – Resisting Arrest – Arrested
1:04 pm
2200 Irving St
Officers responded to a report of a robbery. The victim reported that he was wearing earbuds and holding onto his phone when the suspect suddenly grabbed at his cell phone. The suspect was unsuccessful and the victim attempted to walk away but the suspect followed the victim and attempted to grab the phone two more times. The victim entered a nearby bank but was again followed and accosted by the suspect while inside the bank. A call was made to the police by a bank employee and responding officers made contact with the suspect. The officers attempted to place the suspect in handcuffs and instructed the suspect to turn around and place his hands behind his back. The suspect refused to comply, tensed up his body and wrestled with the officers. The officers successfully placed the handcuffs and after further investigation, the suspect was arrested.

6:41 am
400 Randolph St
Officers responded to a report of an incident of someone who was pepper sprayed. The witness reported that she was behind a truck that was driving erratically when the vehicle stopped and the driver got out of the vehicle and started yelling at  person waiting at a bus stop. The victim told the suspect to leave the person alone and the suspect responded by walking aggressively towards the victim. When the suspect approached too close to the victim, the victim pepper sprayed the suspect. The suspect punched the victim on the head multiple times before entering his vehicle and driving away.  

The suspect then drove to the Taraval Police Station and reported the incident. The suspect stated that while he was driving, a person was in the middle of the street and the suspect got out of his vehicle to tell the person to get back on the sidewalk so he would not get hit by a vehicle. The suspect reported that the victim suddenly came over and yelled at him before pepper spraying him. The suspect said that he attempted to grab the pepper spray but ended up in a tussle.  The officers investigated the incident and arrested the suspect.

Domestic Violence
Two incidents of domestic violence with an arrest made from one of the incidents. 

Reported 12:19 pm / 00 Brighton Ave / unlawful entry

Reported 9:14 am / 16th Ave & Irving St / stolen construction equipment
Reported 5:00 pm / 1700 48th Ave / package theft
Reported 6:00 pm / 1800 15th Ave / package theft
Reported 8:31 pm / Plymouth Ave & Holloway Ave / cell phone snatch from hand on MUNI
Reported 11:14 am / 1600 19th Ave / items stolen at elder care home
Reported 1:22 am / Lincoln Way & 18th Ave
Reported 7:15 pm / 3200 20th Ave / shoplifting

Reported 4:48 pm / 300 Lawton St / identity theft

Theft from Vehicles
Reported 11:25 am / 600 Head St
Reported 6:00 am / 1900 10th Ave
Reported 4:00 am / Noriega St & 33rd Ave

Traffic Collision
Reported 8:53 pm / 330th Ave & Escolta Way / Vehicle vs Vehicle