Taraval Station

Captain’s Message: Taken from Newsletter – November Week 4

Dear residents and community members,

Last night, I had the pleasure of hosting the first of many monthly community meetings. I would like to thank all the attendees and presenters for spending a part of their evening at Taraval Station. The community room was filled to capacity and it was standing room only at the beginning of meeting. The attendee’s included residents, merchants, other city agencies and the press. The presenters included: Marynoel Strope, a Community Outreach Coordinator for Community Boards, who explained their mediation services; Michael Paquette and Jessica Estrada, personnel from the Department of Public Health who explained the city smoking ordinances; and Wesley Chu, a Public Safety Coordinator from San Francisco Safety Awareness for Everyone (SF SAFE) who provided safety tips and pamphlets.

Listed below are residential safety tips provided by SF SAFE:

  • Garage: When entering or leaving the garage, watch to ensure door shuts completely. Lock stored bikes to a sturdy rack.
  • Car: Always lock your vehicle when parked in your garage and remove all valuables. Never leave garage door opener in your vehicle when parked outside your home.
  • Spare Key: Never hide spare keys. If you need to have a spare key available, leave it with a trusted neighbor.
  • Door Buzzer: When a visitor rings your bell, confirm who it is by intercom before you grant them access. Similarly, never let strangers to follow you through the front door.
  • Security Cameras & Alarm Systems: Cost effective tools for preventing crime and identifying criminals.
  • Light Timers: Installing timers on the exterior of your residence is an effective and energy efficient way to deter criminal activity.
  • Doors/Windows: Always keep doors and windows locked.

Happy Thanksgiving!