Taraval Station

Captain’s Message: Taken from Newsletter – January Week 2

Dear residents and community members,

On Monday, January 8, 2017, Taraval Station hosted a press conference to announce the department’s plan to address the increase in auto burglaries. In 2017, the reported number of auto burglaries increased 24% to approximately 30,000 citywide.

The Taraval District was not immune and the number of reported auto burglaries in the district increased 10% to 1,783 in 2017. A review of the December 2017 auto burglary statistics revealed that property was left in plain-view 70% of the time. Items of significant value were left in vehicles 90% of the time. In 75% of the incidents, the property taken was valued in excess of $950.00.

Please remember to “Park Smart” and take all of your valuables with you, including wallets, passports, cell phones, tablets, laptops and cameras. Auto burglaries happen in seconds and it is difficult apprehending subjects that are involved.

Taraval Station will continue to take a pro-active approach. We will be conducting enforcement operations and an educational outreach program to address the increase in auto burglaries.

Thank you,