Taraval Station

Daily Crime Report :: Mon – Jan 22, 2018

*** Not all crimes are reported in the daily report *** Date of reported incident are not always the same as date of occurrence ***
Here’s the link to the RSS feed for the Daily Crime Reports: http://www.taraval.org/?cat=14&feed=rss2

Robbery Chain Store
2:09 am
2000 Ocean Ave
Officers responded to a report of a robbery in progress. The victim, an employee, stated that he was in a back room of the store when the suspect entered the store and immediately went to the back room where the victim was located. The suspect pointed a black firearm at the victim and demanded to know the location of the store safe. The victim replied that the store did not have a safe and the suspect responded by taking the money from the front register and fleeing the store.  

Vehicle Violation – No Driver’s License Issued – Cited
12:38 am
Sloat Blvd & Gabilan Way
Officers were on patrol and observed a vehicle make an illegal turn despite a posted sign that prohibited left turns at that intersection. The officers conducted a traffic stop and a computer check on the driver revealed that the driver did not have a driver’s license. The driver was cited.

Vandalism to Vehicle – Battery – Arrested
Juan Bautista Cir & Bucareli Dr
Officers responded to a report of a battery and vandalism. The victim stated that she was inside her residence when she heard a loud noise. Investigating, she discovered that the windows to her vehicle were smashed and the tires were popped. A witness to the incident attempted to take a picture of the suspect but was pushed down by the suspects before they fled the area. Later in the day, a TNT officer located one of the suspects driving his vehicle and detained him. After further investigation, the suspect was arrested.  

Battery – Cited
4:44 pm
400 Serrano Dr
Officers responded to a report of roommates in a fight. Responding officers determined that one of the roommates was moving out and had requested her property back, which lead to a heated argument involving punching and hair pulling. After further investigation, both parties were cited.

Reported 6:37 pm / 1100 Captiol Ave / unlawful entry

Reported 11:31 am / 3200 20th ave / shoplifting – cited
Reported 9:23 pm / 00 Alviso St / stolen license plate
Reported 3:48 pm / 2000 24th Ave / vehicle strip

Reported 8:52 pm / 1400 32nd Ave / identity theft

Theft from Vehicles
Reported 7:38 am / 1100 Capitol
Reported 12:00 pm / 16th Ave & Noriega St
Reported 11:00 am / Sloat Blvd & 25th Ave
Reported 6:00 pm / Alemany Blvd & Saint Charles Ave
Reported 5:00 pm / 42nd Ave & Santiago St

Stolen Vehicle
Reported 7:59 am / 100 Byxbee St / gold 2008 Toyota Tacoma
Reported 9:52 am / 200 Denslowe Dr & Holloway Ave

Traffic Collision
Reported 7:25 am / Eucalyptus Dr & Froest View Dr – Hit and Run
Reported 4:00 pm / 36th Ave & Kirkham St / Vehicle vs Vehicle – Hit and Run
Reported 5:00 pm / 2300 Noriega St / Vehicle vs Vehicle – Hit and Run