Taraval Station

Captain’s Message: Taken from Newsletter – Feb Week 3

Dear residents and community members,

The department’s primary goal will always be violent crime. I am pleased to report that robberies are down 25%, from December to January and February is still trending down. Aggravated assaults are down 33% from December to January and February is trending down.

In regards to property crimes, auto burglaries are down 7% from December to January and February is trending down significantly. Residential burglaries are up 6% from December to January as we are seeing a new trend. Daytime hot prowl burglaries are down, but there has been an increase in late night garage burglaries. Suspects are reaching through garage door vents and are pulling on the mechanisms to release the door. Suspects are also opening automated garage doors with electronic devices. Neither of the above methods are new. If you have not already done so, please consider having SF SAFE, or a security professional conduct an evaluation of your residence.

On another note, I am pleased to announce that additional personnel will be added to the Taraval Neighborhood Team (TNT). TNT will continue to focus on mitigating violent crime and property crimes, including residential and auto burglaries.