Taraval Station

Daily Crime Report :: Fri – April 20, 2018


*** Not all crimes are reported in the daily report *** Date of reported incident are not always the same as date of occurrence ***
Here’s the link to the RSS feed for the Daily Crime Reports: http://www.taraval.org/?cat=14&feed=rss2

4:01 pm
2200 Taraval St
Officers responded to a report of an assault. The victim, who had a laceration at the top of his head, reported that he was at the parking lot of a  7-11 when a truck parked in a handicap space. The victim stated that he did not see a handicap placard and confronted the suspect about parking in a handicap space. The suspect responded angrily and an argument ensued before the suspect retrieved a plastic leveler from his truck and swung it multiple times at the victim. The suspect then fled the area. The victim was not able to recall how many times he was struck by the suspect.  

Assaulted – Arrested
7:26 pm
300 Santiago St
Officers responded to a report of a verbal altercation. The victim reported that the suspect, her roommate, had yelled at the victim’s friends to leave the house. The friends walked out of the house after several minutes of yelling and were followed by the suspect, who continued to yell. The victim attempted to separate the suspect from her friends by wrapping her arms around the suspect’s waist to prevent her from chasing after her friends. The suspect responded by punching the victim and biting the victim’s ribs before fleeing. Responding officers located the suspect and after further investigation, the suspect was arrested.  

Search Warrant – Cited
8:56 am
Mission District
Officers obtained a search warrant regarding a suspect, a student, who was posting pictures of himself holding a firearm. The officers obtained a search warrant and responded to his home address. The officers searched the suspect home and located a BB gun. The suspect admitted to the officer that it was his and that he had posted himself holding the BB gun. The suspect was cited.

Reported 9:31 pm / 3200 20th Ave / theft from gym locker
Reported 1:35 pm / 1500 Sloat Blvd / shoplifting
Reported 2:21 pm / 3900 Alemany Blvd / theft from gym locker

Vandalism to Property
Reported 1:50 am / 1200 Funston Ave

Reported 5:52 pm / 100 West Portal Ave / credit card fraud

Theft from Vehicles
Reported 8:48 am / 2200 25th Ave

Stolen Vehicle
Reported 6:38 am / 2200 25th Ave / silver 2014 Infinity QX60

Traffic Collision
Reported 12:44 pm / Great Hy & Sloat Blvd / Vehicle vs Property
Reported 2:55 pm / Junipero Serra Blvd & Palmetto Ave / Vehicle vs Vehicle
Reported 12:10 pm / Irving St & Funston Ave / Vehicle vs Vehicle – hit & run