Taraval Station

City-wide CPAB Summit Held at the Police Academy

Unbeknownst to many San Franciscans whom are quite understandably preoccupied with providing for their families, a very important event was held on Monday, February 24, 2014 at the Police Academy. Each of the ten police district’s CPAB (Community Police Advisory Board) gathered for a summit. The gathering was to highlight and thank our communities for their role in keeping San Francisco a great place to live, work, and visit.

As expected, there is a degree of fraternal rivalry between each of the ten SFPD Patrol Station. Likewise there is a great deal of pride in each station’s CPAB. The advisory boards are proud to be recognized as stakeholders in their communities who have a hand in making their neighborhoods safe.

The city-wide CPAB members had the opportunity to listen to Chief Greg Suhr. The Summit was also attended by various Police District Captains and the Command Staff. A discussion panel was held that provided great insight and a sharing of ideas among the attendees. SF SAFE (Safety Awareness For Everyone) also made a presentation about community safety tips. Refreshments and tasty appetizers added to the jovial atmosphere and everyone walked away feeling that community policing is very much alive in our City.
