Taraval Station

National Prescription Drug Take Back Day, Saturday, April 26, 2014

drug_take_backApril 21, 2014

Flyer– The SFPD, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and other local law enforcement agencies will be part of a nationwide prescription drug “Take Back” day on, Saturday, April 26, 2014 at all San Francisco Police district police stations.

This event is from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The service is free, anonymous and no questions will be asked. There will be collection containers for prescription pills that are expired, unused and unwanted. We ask for no identifying information and plastic bags will be available at each site if needed.

Please start preparing now and look through your medicine cabinets.

We will NOT be accepting intra-venous solutions, needles, inhalers or patch style medications. Illicit substances such as methamphetamine, marijuana, etc are NOT part of this initiative.

Last October, Americans turned in 324 tons (over 647,000 pounds) of prescription drugs at over 4,114 sites operated by the DEA and its thousands of state and local law enforcement partners. When those results are combined with what was collected in its seven previous Take Back events, DEA and its partners have taken in over 3.4 million pounds—more than 1,700 tons—of pills.

Information is also available at: www.DEA.gov.

Central Police Station, 766 Vallejo Street. 415-315-2400
Southern Police Station, 850 Bryant Street. 415-553-1371
Bayview Police Station, 201 Williams Street. 415-671-2300
Mission Police Station, 630 Valencia Street. 415-558-5400
Northern Police Station, 1125 Fillmore Street. 415-614-3400
Park Police Station, 1899 Waller Street. 415-242-3000
Richmond Police Station, 461 6th Avenue. 415-666-8000
Ingleside Police Station, #1 John V. Young Lane. 415-404-4000
Taraval Police Station, 2345 24th Avenue. 415-759-3100
Tenderloin Police Station, 301 Eddy Street. 415-345-7300

For additional information:
SFPD Media Relations
(415) 553-1651