Taraval Station

Daily Crime Report :: Sun – December 11, 2022

*** Not all crimes are reported in the daily report, addresses shown are the “Unit Block” where the incident took place.***

*** Date of reported incidents are not always the same as date of occurrence. ***

Here’s the link to the RSS feed for the Daily Crime Reports:

Battery – Case# 220848874
7:49 pm
West Portal Ave & Ulloa St
Officers responded to a report of a battery. The victim reported that they had boarded a MUNI and heard somebody talking to them but was unable to determine what had been said due to wearing earbuds. The victim removed their earbuds and asked the person if they were speaking to him. The person responded by punching the victim and walking away. 

Reported 4:10 pm / 1200 15th Ave / entry by force – Case# 220848987
Reported 11:15 am / 1300 26th Ave / entry by force – Case# 220848181

Reported 6:06 pm / 100 Rhine St / package theft – Case# 226236419
Reported 4:02 am / 100 Broad St / package theft – Case# 226236469
Reported 8:55 am / 1700 48th Ave / package theft – Case# 220847804
Reported 12:59 pm / 1500 Sloat Blvd / shoplifting – Case# 220848131

Vandalism to Property
Reported 10:00 am / 1300 35th Ave / vandalism to property – Case# 226236481
Reported 10:14 am / 1200 14th Ave / vandalism to vehicle – Case# 220847848
Reported 5:19 pm / 1100 Capitol Ave / vandalism to vehicle – Case# 220848614

Reported 1:19 pm / 1300 26th Ave / identity theft – Case# 220848200

Theft from Vehicle
Reported 11:00 am / Holloway Ave & Cardenas Ave – Case# 226236431
Reported 8:47 am / 3200 19th Ave – Case# 226236447
Reported 2:50 am / 1400 38th Ave – Case# 226236497
Reported 7:05 am / 2000 48th Ave – Case# 226236475
Reported 11:30 am / Irving St & 46th Ave – Case# 226236453
Reported 8:30 pm / 1000 Capitol Ave – Case# 226236425
Reported 1:21 pm / Harold Ave & Grafton Ave / Vehicle vs Vehicle – hit & run – Case# 220848410