Taraval Station

Daily Crime Report :: Mon – December 12, 2022

*** Not all crimes are reported in the daily report, addresses shown are the “Unit Block” where the incident took place.***

*** Date of reported incidents are not always the same as date of occurrence. ***

Here’s the link to the RSS feed for the Daily Crime Reports:

Assault – Case# 220851548
8:18 pm
800 Grafton Ave
Officers responded to a report of a shooting and made contact with both parties. The victim stated that they had been walking when the suspect exited a vehicle and approached him. Shortly after, the victim heard a gunshot and started running away from the suspect. After hearing a second gunshot, the victim stated that he reversed and ran towards the suspect to fight and pinned the suspect on to the ground. The suspect responded that they had recognized the victim as the one who had broken into the suspect’s vehicle two weeks ago. The suspect yelled at the victim, who started walking away from the suspect. The suspect chased after the victim, who then turned around and rushed at the suspect. A struggle ensued and the suspect stated that his firearm fell and went off when the suspect attempted to pick it back up. After further investigation, the suspect was arrested. 

Trespassing – Case# 220849935
8:38 am
500 Arballo Dr
Officers responded to a report of trespassing. Responding officers arrived at the location and met with the director of the building who informed them that there were squatters inside one of the apartments. The officers detained the three suspects inside, who stated that they had made a deal on Craigslist for staying inside the apartment. After further investigations, the suspects were cited.

Robbery – Case# 220851407
7:10 pm
Lakeview Ave & Lee Ave
Officers responded to a report of a robbery. The victim stated that they had been walking when a vehicle suddenly stopped next to her and an unknown suspect exited the vehicle. The suspect then threatened to hurt the victim before forcibly taking the victim’s backpack away. The suspect rummaged through the backpack before throwing it aside. The suspect then fled the area in their vehicle. 

Assault – Case# 220849333
3:48 am
100 Alton Ave
The victims stated that they had been woken up by the sound of a saw and discovered the suspect cutting the victims’ catalytic converter. The victim confronted the suspect who responded by swinging the power saw at the victims and causing injury to one of the victims. The suspect then fled the area.  

Reported 11:30 am / stolen license plate / Winston Dr & Buckingham Way – Case# 220849985
Reported 10:18 pm / 400 Garces Dr / stolen license plate – Case# 220851924
Reported 9:35 am / 00 San Fernando Way – Case# 220849606
Reported 8:13 am / catalytic converter theft – Case# 220849496
Reported 7:30 am / catalytic converter theft / 1400 35th Ave – Case# 226237172
Reported 12:00 am / 1200 34th Ave / catalytic converter theft – Case# 226236544
Reported 5:00 pm / 3200 20th Ave / shoplifting – Case# 226236538
Reported 5:00 pm / 28th Ave & Noriega St / catalytic converter theft – Case# 226237150

Reported 9:40 am / 8100 Oceanview Terr / credit card fraud – Case# 226237144

Theft from Vehicle
Reported 2:30 pm / 1000 Great Hwy – Case# 220850697
Reported 12:21 pm / 1700 21st Ave – Case# 220850170
Reported 8:00 am / 00 Zoo Rd – Case# 226236550
Reported 11:45 am / 3200 20th Ave – Case# 226237166
Reported 2:00 am / Pacheco St & 17th Ave – Case# 226236522

Stolen Vehicle
Reported 7:37 am / 00 Bucareli Dr / 2018 Kia Rio – Case# 220849468

Traffic Collision
Reported 9:50 am / 20th Ave & Ortega St / Vehicle vs Vehicle – Case# 220849719
Reported 12:00 am / 1400 10th Ave / Vehicle vs Vehicle – hit & run – Case# 220851162