Taraval Station

Daily Crime Report :: Tue – December 13, 2022

*** Not all crimes are reported in the daily report, addresses shown are the “Unit Block” where the incident took place.***

*** Date of reported incidents are not always the same as date of occurrence. ***

Here’s the link to the RSS feed for the Daily Crime Reports:

Assault – Case# 220852035
2:00 am
Holloway Ave & Harold Ave
Officers responded to a report of gunshots. Responding officers arrived at the location and located a victim with gun shots in their leg. The victim stated that they had just parked their vehicle and were talking when the suspects drove up and started shooting at them. During the investigation at the location, the officers followed a trail of blood into a nearby building and checked inside for additional victims. Inside, a suspect and multiple gambling machines were located. The suspect was cited for the possession of the gambling equipment. A second victim was later located at a hospital. The suspects who shot the first victim are still outstanding. 

Robbery – Case# 220853958
6:49 pm
2900 San Jose Ave
Officers responded to a report of a robbery at a gas station. The victims stated that two suspects had entered the store and immediately pulled cigarettes off the shelves and placed them into their bags. The suspects then took money from the store and fled.  

Battery – Case# 220850540
1:45 pm
1400 Noriega St
Officers responded to a report of a battery. The victim, an employee of a medical service center, stated that they had been unlocking the door when the suspect suddenly head butted the victim in the chest and walked away from the victim.  

Domestic Violence
One incident of domestic violence; the suspect was arrested. 
One incident of domestic violence; no arrests made. 

Reported 3:51 pm / 100 Lomita Ave / attempted – Case# 220854586

Reported 10:00 pm / 700 Rivera St / catalytic converter theft – Case# 220854291
Reported 5:00 am / 100 Vale Ave / catalytic converter theft – Case# 226237821
Reported 6:54 pm / 4200 Pacheco St / catalytic converter theft – Case# 226233932
Reported 4:30 am / 00 Aloha Ave / catalytic converter theft – Case# 226237809
Reported 9:00 am / 100 Cambon Dr / package theft – Case# 226237815
Reported 12:00 pm / 200 Howth St / stolen license plate – Case# 220853340
Reported 6:31 am / 1200 11th Ave / catalytic converter – Case# 220852154

Vandalism to Property
Reported 10:55 pm / 00 Chumasero Dr / vandalism to vehicle and property – Case# 220854401

Reported 1:58 pm / 1300 43rd Ave / credit card fraud – Case# 220853055
Reported 6:22 pm / 1800 30th Ave / identity theft – Case# 220853873
Reported 10:29 am / 800 Rivers St / false pretenses – Case# 220852518

Theft from Vehicle
Reported 7:45 pm / 3200 20th Ave – Case# 226237837
Reported 10:30 pm / 2300 16th Ave – Case# 226237796
Reported 9:00 am / Noriega St & Great Highway – Case# 226237780
Reported 1:07 pm / 400 Serrano Dr – Case# 220852938

Stolen Vehicle
Reported 9:53 pm / Niagara Ave & Howth St / 2000 Honda Civic – Case# 220854263
Reported 9:25 am / Great Hwy & Lawton St / 2022 Toyota 4runner – Case# 220852364