Taraval Station

Daily Crime Report :: Wed – December 14, 2022

*** Not all crimes are reported in the daily report, addresses shown are the “Unit Block” where the incident took place.***

*** Date of reported incidents are not always the same as date of occurrence. ***

Here’s the link to the RSS feed for the Daily Crime Reports:

Battery – Case# 220856833
7:44 pm
Taraval St & 12th Ave
The victim entered Taraval Station to report a battery. The victim stated that they had been walking on the sidewalk when the suspect, without provocation, used their left shoulder to hit the victim’s right shoulder. The suspect then yelled incoherent profanities at the victim before walking away.  

Violation of Court Order – Warrant Arrest – Case# 220857239
9:33 pm
1700 Ocean Ave
Officers responded to a report of a subject who was violating a stay away order. Responding officers located the suspect and a computer check confirmed the court order and also revealed eight arrest warrants. The subject was arrested.

Battery – Case# 220857499
12:30 am
1200 42nd Ave
Officers responded to a report of a battery. The victim stated that the upstairs neighbor had pushed him while the victim was moving a refrigerator.  

Reported 3:23 pm / 800 Garfield St / entry by force – Case# 220856156
Reported 1:12 pm / 100 Lenox Way / unlawful entry – Case# 220855722
Reported 9:45 am / 1300 9th Ave / unlawful entry – Case# 220855142
Reported 2:28 am / 2200 19th Ave / entry by force – Case# 220854570

Reported 6:00 pm / Judah St & 18th Ave / catalytic converter theft – Case# 226237859
Reported 11:00 pm / 3200 Rivera St / catalytic converter theft – Case# 226242325
Reported 2:45 pm / 2000 18th Ave / catalytic converter theft – Case# 220856037
Reported 1:33 pm / 300 Cardenas Ave / stolen license plate – Case# 220855766
Reported 12:12 pm / 2500 Sloat Blvd / shoplifting – Case# 220855471

Vandalism to Property
Reported 2:15 pm / 800 Garfield St / vandalism to property – Case# 220855926

Theft from Vehicle
Reported 8:10 pm / 19th Ave & Ocean Ave – Case# 226241684
Reported 4:50 pm / Irving St & 10th Ave – Case# 226241662
Reported 1:20 pm / 3200 20th Ave – Case# 226241753
Reported 1:22 pm / 2200 347th Ave – Case# 220855738

Stolen Vehicle
Reported 9:35 am / 2200 14th Ave / 2003 Acura TLS – Case# 220855073

Traffic Collision
Reported 2:45 pm / 100 Sadowa St / Vehicle vs Vehicle – hit & run – Case# 220855283