Taraval Station

Daily Crime Report :: Tue – August 20, 2024

*** Not all crimes are reported in the daily report, addresses shown are the “Unit Block” where the incident took place.***

*** The date of reported incidents is not always the same as the date of occurrence. ***

Here’s the link to the RSS feed for the Daily Crime Reports:

Assault – Case# 240521878
1:31 pm
200 Crestlake Dr
A witness saw the suspect hit a vehicle with his cane because it was parked too close. The suspect then drove away hitting the victim.

Domestic Violence
One incident of domestic violence, restraining order violation, suspect arrested

Reported 8:46 pm / 2700 36th Ave / unlawful entry – Case# 240522600
Reported 12:31 pm / 1900 43rd Ave / entry by force – Case# 240521668

Reported 8:25 am / 700 Irving St / shoplifting – Case# 240521141

Vandalism to Property
Reported 3:42 pm / 300 Lakeview Ave / vandalism to vehicle – Case# 240522387

Stolen Vehicle
Reported 9:34 am / 1200 34th Ave / 2002 Harly Davidson Road King – Case# 240521282