Taraval Station

Daily Crime Report :: Fri – August 30, 2024

*** Not all crimes are reported in the daily report, addresses shown are the “Unit Block” where the incident took place.***

*** The date of reported incidents is not always the same as the date of occurrence. ***

Here’s the link to the RSS feed for the Daily Crime Reports:

Battery – Case# 240545107
12:57 pm
Kirkham St & 9th Ave
The victim, a Parking Control Officer, told the officers he had cited a vehicle for parking in the green zone beyond the specified time limit. The suspect verbally confronted the victim and spat at him. The suspect was later cited.

6:33 pm
3200 20th Ave
The victim was standing at the bus stop when three suspects standing in the parking lot walked over to him. One of the suspects brandished a firearm and demanded his property or the suspect would shoot him. The victim gave the suspect his property and walked away.

Reported 9:19 am / 1800 Taraval St / entry by force – Case# 240544767

Reported 2:40 pm / 500 John Muir Dr / package theft – Case# 240545282
Reported 2:46 am / 45th Ave & Noriega St / stolen rims and tires – Case# 240544193

Vandalism to Property
Reported 2:57 pm / 37th Ave & Lincoln Way / tire slashing – Case# 240545317
Reported 7:24 am / 800 Shields St / graffiti – Case# 240544416

Traffic Collision
Reported 5:50 pm / Portola Dr & 14th Ave / Vehicle vs Motorcycle – Case# 240543480
Reported 3:19 pm / 2700 Ulloa St / Vehicle vs Vehicle – DUI Arrest – Case# 240545527
Reported 10:15 pm / 300 Santa Ana / Vehicle vs Vehicle – Case# 240546202
Reported 4:14 pm / Sloat Blvd & 21st Ave / Vehicle vs Vehicle – Case# 240545599