Taraval Station

Daily Crime Report :: Thu – September 12, 2024

*** Not all crimes are reported in the daily report, addresses shown are the “Unit Block” where the incident took place.***

*** The date of reported incidents is not always the same as the date of occurrence. ***

Here’s the link to the RSS feed for the Daily Crime Reports:

Warrant Arrest – Case# 240575621
10:31 pm
Judah St & 44th Ave
Officers responded to a report of a suspect punching vehicles. Officers located the suspect and detained him. A computer check revealed two warrants for his arrest. Officers determined there was no damage to the vehicles. The suspect was arrested for the warrant.

Warrant Arrest – Shoplifting – Case# 240574811
4:44 pm
200 Winston Dr
Security detained a suspect who was seen shoplifting. Security attempted to detain the suspect, but the suspect hit security. The suspect was detained by security and the officers conducted a computer check which revealed a warrant for the suspect’s arrest. The suspect was arrested for the warrant and shoplifting.

Burglary-Resisting Arrest- Case# 240573261
1:20 am
1500 Sloat Blvd
Officers responded to a report of a burglary.  Dispatch advised that the suspect had broken the window and left on a bicycle with stolen merchandise.  Officers arrived and observed a suspect leaving the scene.  The suspect attempted to flee, but the officers were able to detain him.  After further investigation, the suspect was arrested for burglary.

Warrant Arrest – Violation of Restraining Order – Case# 240575085
6:05 pm
00 Margaret Ave
Officers responded to a report of a suspect served with a restraining order in the area. Officers arrived and detained the suspect. A computer check on the suspect revealed a warrant for the suspect arrest. The suspect was arrested for the warrant and RO violation.

Reported 8:15 am / 1400 17th Ave / entry by force – Case# 240573506
Reported 1:24 pm / 1000 Capitol Ave / unlawful entry – Case# 240574275

Reported 8:12 am / 1800 Vicente St / stolen license plate – Case# 240573487

Vandalism to Property
Reported 10:00 am / 32nd Ave & Ortega St / vandalism to vehicle – Case# 246119845

Reported 11:27 am / 00 Chumassero Dr / fraudulent trickery – Case# 240573863

Traffic Collision
Reported 4:39 pm / Brotherhood Way & Junipero Serra Blvd / Vehicle vs Vehicle – hit & run – Case# 240574689
Reported 2:50 pm / 1300 Judah St / Vehicle vs Vehicle – hit & run – Case# 240574598