Taraval Station

Daily Crime Report :: Tue – September 17, 2024

*** Not all crimes are reported in the daily report, addresses shown are the “Unit Block” where the incident took place.***

*** The date of reported incidents is not always the same as the date of occurrence. ***

Here’s the link to the RSS feed for the Daily Crime Reports:

Battery – Case# 240586270
9:54 pm
1400 26th Ave
Officers responded to a civil tenant dispute earlier. After clearing the call, officers received a call to return to the scene because one party hit the other party. After further investigation, the suspect was cited.

Reported 7:50 am / 800 Irving St / entry by force – Case# 240584111

Reported 8:03 pm / 3200 20th Ave / shoplifting – Case# 240586054

Vandalism to Property
Reported 1:39 am / 700 Darien Way / vandalism to property – Case# 240583919

Theft from Vehicle
Reported 10:06 am / 2600 34th Ave – Case# 240584484

Stolen Vehicle
Reported 7:37 am / 1500 35th Ave / 2016 Merz CLA250 – Case# 240584092
Reported 8:28 am / 2300 28th Ave / 2009 Volk Touareg – Case# 240584616
Reported 12:30 am / 1200 23rd Ave / 2008 Infinity G35 – Case# 240583884

Traffic Collision
Reported 7:18 am / 1400 Irving St / Vehicle vs Vehicle – hit & run – Case# 240584832
Reported 11:54 pm / 23rd Ave &^ Lincoln Way / Vehicle vs Vehicle – hit & run – Case# 240583884