Taraval Station

Daily Crime Report :: Mon – September 23, 2024

*** Not all crimes are reported in the daily report, addresses shown are the “Unit Block” where the incident took place.***

*** The date of reported incidents is not always the same as the date of occurrence. ***

Here’s the link to the RSS feed for the Daily Crime Reports:

Battery – Case# 240599546
6:11 pm
1200 9th Ave
The victim, a manager of a bar told the officers that the suspect approached her and demanded to know why he was banned from the bar. The victim started filming the incident. The suspect attempted to grab the cell phone. The victim told the officers that while trying to grab the cell home, the suspect was punched and kicked.

Driving While Intoxicated – Case# 240597493
10:54 pm
24th Ave & Kirkham St
The officer was on patrol when he saw a vehicle stopped at the stoplight not moving. The office made contact with the driver. The driver had obvious signs of being intoxicated. The officer administered tests to the driver which he failed. The driver was later arrested.

Reported 1:05 pm / Noriega St & 48th Ave / catalytic converter theft – Case# 240598695
Reported 11:32 am / 1200 Taraaval St / stolen palm Tree – Case# 240598394

Vandalism to Property
Reported 7:48 pm / 1900 31st Ave / vandalism to vehicle – Case# 240599712
Reported 11:07 am / 600 Arballo Dr / vandalism to vehicle – Case# 240599239
Reported 12:17 pm / 4100 Moraga St / vandalism to Property – Case# 240598617

Stolen Vehicle
Reported 2:43 pm / 41st Ave & Lincoln Way / 2019 Toyota RAV4 – Case# 240598980
Reported 1:30 pm / 2000 16th Ave / 2019 Genu Buddy – Case# 240598770
Reported 4:00 pm / 24th Ave & Vicente St / 1965 Honda S90 – Case# 240599198
Reported 3:59 pm / 24th Ave & Vicente St / 1969 Honda S90 – Case# 240599182
Reported 10;23 am / 2500 32nd Ave / 2018 Infinity QX60 – Case# 240598162

Traffic Collision
Reported 6:00 am / Lawton St & 22nd Ave / vehicle vs Vehicle – hit & run – Case# 240597807