Taraval Station

Daily Crime Report :: Sun – September 22, 2024

*** Not all crimes are reported in the daily report, addresses shown are the “Unit Block” where the incident took place.***

*** The date of reported incidents is not always the same as the date of occurrence. ***

Here’s the link to the RSS feed for the Daily Crime Reports:

Attempted Robbery / Warrant Arrest – Case# 240597324
9:57 pm
200 Winston Dr
Officers responded to a report of a shoplifting suspect using force to get away. The suspect was detained by loss prevention. A computer check revealed a warrant for her arrest. The suspect was arrested.

Trespassing – Case# 240596859
1:44 pm
200 Farallones St
The victim called regarding a possible squatter inside the premises of the house.
Officers arrived on the scene and saw a suspect exiting the backyard. The suspect was detained. The suspect was identified and released.

Reported 4:41 pm / 100 Merced Ave / attempted – Case# 240596809

Reported 10:41 am / 3200 20th Ave / shoplifting – Cited – Case# 240596053
Reported 11:41 am / 3200 20th Ave / shoplifting – resisting arrest- Cited – Case# 240596207
Reported 9:21 am / 3200 20th Ave / shoplifting – cited – Case# 240595958
Reported 9:28 am / 300 San Benito Way/ tires and rims – Case# 240595970

Vandalism to Property
Reported 5:36 am / 2200 48th Ave / vandalism to vehicle – Arrested – Case# 240595760
Reported 8:54 am / 4400 Lincoln Way / vandalism to vehicle – Case# 240596423

Reported 6:00 pm / 1700 42nd Ave / identity theft – Case# 240596978

Theft from Vehicle
Reported 4:56 am / 100 Merced Ave – Case# 240596821