Taraval Station

Daily Crime Report :: Tue – September 24, 2024

*** Not all crimes are reported in the daily report, addresses shown are the “Unit Block” where the incident took place.***

*** The date of reported incidents is not always the same as the date of occurrence. ***

Here’s the link to the RSS feed for the Daily Crime Reports:

Warrant arrest – Shoplifting – Case# 240602199
7:37 pm
200 Winston Dr
Loss prevention detained a suspect for shoplifting. Officers arrived and a computer check on the suspect revealed a warrant for arrest. The suspect was arrested for shoplifting and warrants.

Auto Burglary – Brandishing a Weapon – Case# 240600228
4:04 am
800 Grafton Ave
The victim heard glass breaking and a vehicle alarm going off. The victim opened her window and saw the suspects breaking into a vehicle. The victim yelled out to the suspects. One of the suspects brandished a gun at her and told her to close the window. The suspects fled the scene.

Attempted Robbery – Case# 240602161
7:30 pm
100 Lenox Way
The victim told the police that she was boarding the MUNI bus when she was pushed behind by the suspect. Words were exchanged and the suspect grabbed the victim’s cell phone. The victim grabbed her cell phone back from the suspect. The suspect walked to the back of the bus and sat down. The victim did not see which stop the suspect exited the bus.

Robbery – Case# 240601834
4:32 pm
19th Ave & Holloway Ave
The victim was at the MUNI stop when he saw a suspect with an unleashed dog. The victim decided to record the suspect with his cell phone. The suspect walked towards him and started punching him. The suspect took the victim’s cell phone and left the scene. The victim knows the suspect from the same neighborhood.

Domestic Violence
One incident of domestic violence, suspect arrested

Reported 4:55 am / 2700 Judah St / entry by force – Case# 240600240

Vandalism to Property
Reported 3:53 pm / 46th Ave & Judah St / vandalism to vehicle – Case# 240601715
Reported 5:50 pm / 1200 Portola Dr / vandalism to property – Case# 240601975

Stolen Vehicle
Reported 7:56 pm / 1900 9th Ave / 2015 ZZ 100 – Case# 240602230
Reported 12:39 pm / Miramar Ave & Grafton Ave / 2015 Honda Civic – Case# 240601226

Traffic Collision
Reported 9:00 am / Lincoln Way & 21st Ave / Pedestrian vs Vehicle – Case# 240600585
Reported 9:22 am / Taraval St & 14th Ave / Vehicle vs Vehicle – Case# 240600563
Reported 12:30 pm / Taraval St & 24th Ave / Vehicle vs Vehicle – hit & run – Case# 240600698