Taraval Station

Daily Crime Report :: Mon – February 17, 2025

*** Not all crimes are reported in the daily report, addresses shown are the “Unit Block” where the incident took place.***

*** The date of reported incidents is not always the same as the date of occurrence. ***

Here’s the link to the RSS feed for the Daily Crime Reports:

Robbery, Att. W/ Force, Robbery, Att. W/ Force, Vandalism Arrest – Case# 250092994, 250093055, 250092988
11:48 am
1500 Ocean Ave
Officers responded to a call of a robbery attempt by the suspect. Officer detained the suspect at the scene. Officers found out that the suspect was involved in two attempted robbery incidents where the suspect tried to forcibly remove the cellphone and headphones from two victims. The suspect was also involved in a vandalism incident where he kicked the side of a vehicle causing damage. The suspect was arrested for the above listed crimes.

Restraining Order Violation, Narcotic Paraphernalia Possession, Warrant Arrest – Case# 250094138
9:45 pm
2000 Ocean Ave
Officers responded to a call of a restraining order violation by the suspect. Officers detained the suspect at the scene. The suspect was in possession of Narcotic paraphernalia and had an outstanding warrant. The suspect was arrested for violation of restraining order, possession of narcotic paraphernalia, and for the outstanding warrant.

Reported 11:49 pm / 400 San Miguel St / theft of Arlo Camera – Case# 250091479

Reported 7:15 pm / 00 Farallones St / vandalism to vehicle – Case# 250093958

Vehicle Collision
Reported 1100 am / Holloway Ave & Cardenas Ave / vehicle vs parked vehicle hit & run – Case# 250093215
Reported 12:38 pm / 3200 20th Ave / vehicle vs vehicle hit & run – Case# 250093243