Taraval Station

SFPD Take Your Child to Work Day

2015_tyctwd_01April 23, 2015 – The San Francisco Police Department held its annual “Take Your Child to Work Day” on its Academy grounds. The event is held throughout the country on the fourth Thursday of every April.

Neighborhood children were also invited. Participants & visitors had the chance to meet with members of the Department who work a variety of jobs. Officers who ride motorcycles to horses, as well as boats, brought their tools for the kids to see firsthand. A hearty breakfast & a fantastic barbeque lunch ensured no one went home hungry.

Chief Greg Suhr was in attendance to meet the kids & answer questions from community members. As a strong advocate of the youth, the Chief wanted to ensure the event was fulfilling & enjoyable.

Many different activities were also available for the children to enjoy. Some of the most popular attractions were face painting & jumpy houses.

A special thanks goes out to Officer Edie Lewis who tirelessly worked hard to prepare for this awesome day!








