Taraval Station

Case File Update

Hello readers, if you remember reading the synopsis on 06/26/15 regarding a permit inspection violation, gaming devices, and gambling… well here’s an update on that case:

Our permits officer, Officer McLaughlin, and Officers of Taraval Station conducted a permit Inspection of a business with an unmarked storefront without any signage.  The rooms were occupied by three unknown people playing video style gambling machines. The store attendant was unable to produce any permits and information was taken for further investigation.

On 7/10/15, Sgt Farrell obtained a search warrant on the business.  Officers and Investigation Sergeants executed the search warrant.  In the premise was the operator, five patrons and 12 gambling machines.  The investigation led to the confiscation of the gaming machines and money, along with other evidential items and all five patrons were cited on gambling charges.  One of the patrons had an additional methamphetamine offense charge.  The operator was also cited with a gambling charge.  This case is now in the hands of the District Attorney for prosecution.