Taraval Station

Captain Denise Flaherty’s Message – July 2015

ppt_header_01 In the past 7 weeks I have been a busy Captain. I have spent much of that time, getting to know the hard working officers of Taraval Station and worked very closely with the community to address concerns of Burglaries, Auto Burglaries and Traffic Enforcement. Although being a captain of a station has its’ challenges, interacting with the community is one of the most rewarding things I get to do in my role as Commanding Officer.

I want to give a big “Thank You” to my CPAB who has supported me and the officers of Taraval Station in many ways. Their dedication to the community is truly impressive. I also have to show my appreciation to Board of Supervisor Katy Tang. I have been fortunate to have her and her staff play an instrumental role in connecting the community with Taraval Station. As the Commanding Officer of Taraval, I value our partnerships with the community and simply believe that we are always more successful when we work in partnerships with the community and other city agencies.

Finally, I have to give special thanks to all the members of Taraval Station. In my short time as the Commanding Officer, I have witnessed dedicated officers doing outstanding police work. Your ability to meet daily challenges, rise above expectations and your understanding the community where you work, is to be commended. The Taraval SIT( Station Investigative Team) is one of the best in San Francisco. Their effort to address crime within the district does not go unrecognized. To all the members of Taraval, I am honored to be your Commanding Officer and look forward to working with you!!

The community tips are vital to our success and strategic enforcement in the area. I welcome any comments or concerns you may have within your neighborhood. Please email us at SFPDTaravalStation@sfgov.org.   For Anonymous Tip us this Online Form.