Taraval Station

Captain’s Message – Sept. 2015

With summer now behind us, I hope everyone has gotten settled back into the routine of their children back in school. Back to school time, is an exciting time for us at Taraval Station. We once again get the opportunity to interact more frequently with the youth of the community. That interaction allows us to continue to be a positive influence in their lives.

With much more pedestrian traffic during the school year, please plan out your morning and afternoon commutes. Trying to navigate through the city can at times be stressful with traffic and construction. I would encourage everyone to give yourselves some extra time to get where you need to be during your day. Also during pick up and drop off times, please work in partnership with the school staff to create a safe environment during these times. Please do not double park in lanes of traffic directly in front of the school. This causes traffic congestion and does not allow for a clear view of children as they are trying to make their way across the street.

As the Commanding Officer of Taraval Station, I have truly enjoyed interacting with the community at my monthly community meetings. The meetings have provided the community the opportunity to hear presentations on the Alert Program and Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety. Special Thanks to Board of Supervisor, Katy Tang for attending the meetings and sharing with the community information that impacts them. The Taraval Community Meeting is scheduled on the third Tuesday of each month. Please join us in the Taraval Station Community room on Tuesday, September 15th, at 7pm. This is a great opportunity to engage with your neighbors and Taraval Station. I hope to see you there. If you are unable to make the meeting, your concerns and questions are still of great value to me. Please take the moment to email me at Denise.flaherty@sfgov.org or call Taraval Station (415)759-3100 and request to speak with myself or Sgt. Kevin Mannix.

I need to take a moment to discuss social media information forums, such as NextDoor. As I have said in previous meetings and numerous emails to the community. Information Sharing Forums are an important tool when those who are participating follow three basic rules:

– Use it for positive means. Information Forums should be used to share information that can positively impact the community

– Share accurate information. It’s important to share information that is factual rather than “rumor”. It is also vital that the information shared about an incident, involves the full picture, not selective recounts about an event.

Be Responsible. The ability to reach out to so many and impact them should be done responsibly.

For those community members who participate in these forums, I would strongly caution you to do so with the understanding that information posted is not always accurate. If you have any questions or concerns about an incident in your neighborhood, call us at the station. Allow us to give you as much information as we are able to do. This will prevent bad information from becoming unmanageable.

The officers of Taraval Station understand the importance of their role within the community. They consider the Taraval District as their community. In my observation of the officers assigned to Taraval Station, I have witnessed officers who are hard working, compassionate and dedicated to public safety. This observation is reinforced by members of the community who send emails to recognize the officer’s commitment to the community. If at any time, as a member of the community, if you become concerned about an officer’s performance, if you become frustrated with how an investigation is be handled, reach out to us here at Taraval Station. The sergeants and lieutenants welcome feedback from you. In their roles, they supervise and manage the officers and one of their main priorities is to develop and mentor the officers. Your feedback is an important part of that process.

Thank you again for your continued support of the officers at Taraval Station. We value the partnership we share with the community and it is our honor to protect and serve in one of the best cities in the nation.