Taraval Station

Homeless Encampment Cleanup

One of our community’s concerns are the homeless in our neighborhood. Our Homeless Outreach officer, Officer D. Rosiak, has been diligently attempting to assist the homeless.  Officer Rosiak’s duties include disseminating information on how to find shelter, get meals and the means on how to get off the streets.

Officer Rosiak often visited areas the homeless population commonly frequented and offered his assistance while making sure they are not in violation of any laws. However, many of the homeless continually decline his services. As it is their right to decline; forcing any unwanted services upon the homeless are a clear violation of their protected constitutional rights.  Unless they were in violation of the law, no action may be taken or forced on them. 

Here is a recent incident in helping the homeless and cleaning up our neighborhood:  On 09/27, Officer Rosiak addressed the issue of the homeless community camping under the overpass between San Francisco and Daly City. According to Officer Rosiak, it took 15 workers and three dump trucks to clean out the encampment.  DPW (Department of Public Work) estimated that it took out 8000 lbs (4 tons) of trash.  They will go back within the next week to trim more of the tress and thin the foliage out so it would less of a hiding or camping spot for the homeless. Some of these items will be thrown away, others items would be tagged and bagged for the owners to retrieve at a different time.