Taraval Station

SFPD Auxiliary Law Enforcement Response Team (ALERT) Nov ’13 News


MUD (Monthly UpDate) – November 2013

Our MUD newsletter is designed to keep interested individuals aware of what’s happening with our program, and the role played by ALERT graduates/volunteers.
**There was no October issue of MUD. Our apologies, as we are still in the developing stages with this newsletter.
Since our last issue, ALERT graduates have been very busy, participating in a number of activities including:

The Polk Street Blues Festival – Andre Bolaffi, David Adams, and David Flynn capably staffed the ALERT table, answering any and all inquiries about our program. Officer Mike Walsh of Northern Station and the PAL cadets graciously welcomed us into Northern Station’s booth at the Festival.


The Excelsior Street Festival – Susan Yip and Carol Kunkle survived the sun-baked afternoon and staffed our ALERT table at this neighborhood event. The event was held at Mission St./Ocean Ave., on Sept. 29th.

Simulations Training at the SFPD Academy – led by Inspector Alan Honniball. Several ALERT graduates volunteered their time to assist in this critical component of recruit officer training.

Urban Shield 2013 – Several of our ALERT graduates participated in our training drill on Saturday, Oct. 26th , and then closed out their weekend by volunteering for a 12-14 hour shift at the Urban Shield exercises. More about Urban Shield 2013 and the ALERT volunteer participation, in our
next MUD newsletter.

A tour of the SFPD Special Operations Bureau headquarters at 17th & DeHaro streets was arranged by Carole Kunkle. An excellent narrative of the Special Operations Bureau tour, along with photographs, was prepared by ALERT Graduate Rodney Yee. Please take a few moments to read Rodney’s description of the evening’s events. The tour was definitely a rare and rewarding experience for all that attended.

ALERT recently graduated its 3rd class of enthusiastic volunteers.


Our first ALERT training drill was held on Saturday, October 26, 2013 at the Police Academy. The activities were very successfully executed and well attended. More about the drill and the day’s activities will appear in our next issue of MUD.

ALERT has issued a very informative “flyer” about its program and how to become an ALERT graduate. Included in the flyer is a photo of the 1st ALERT graduating class. Feel free to print it out and share it with others.


All of us at the ALERT program would express our gratitude to Class #1 graduate Carole Kunkle for designing and contributing a new and very attractive ALERT banner. The banner will be on display at most of our activities and will be of great help at our promotional events, as it will undoubtedly draw attention and curiosity. Most recently, the banner adorned the registration table at our ALERT training drill on October 26th . In case you didn’t notice, the banner is one of the highlights of (the photo).

On behalf of the SFPD I’d like to thank our ALERT graduates for their volunteered time and dedicated efforts in assisting the SFPD with this important program. Please pass the word about the ALERT program to all interested friends, colleagues and family members.

Best wishes for an enjoyable Thanksgiving holiday.

Mark Hernandez
ALERT Program Coordinator
(415) 401-4615
**Our thanks to ALERT volunteer Andre Bolaffi for his dedication and effort toward the preparation of this newsletter.