Taraval Station

What to Do When An Active Shooter Is In Your Vicinity

Run, Hide, Fight

Watch video’s made by City of Houston.
https://youtu.be/5VcSwejU2D0 (English)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=P0xTP9Zt7Qo (Chinese)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=_fUcq1M5a44 (Spanish)

Additional Info: Homeland Security’s Active shooter booklet, Active shooter pocket Spanish https://youtu.be/oI5EoWBRYmo

NOTE: An individual must use his/her own discretion during an active shooter event as to whether he/she should run to safety, remain in place or fight.  Not all situations are the same and there may be one or more shooters or other variables and factors.


  • If you can and you deem it safe, get out and get to a safe place.
  • Encourage others to leave but don’t let them slow you down.
  • Leave belongings behind.
  • Help others, but if they don’t want to leave, you may need to get to safety without them.


  • Find a hidden location.
  • Find protection behind furniture, if possible.
  • Find a room that locks, if you can.
  • If possible, close and lock the outside door to the room. Blockade the door with furniture and other heavy objects.
  • Close the blinds, turn off the lights, remain quiet, silence cell phones, spread out away from other individuals, and move behind any available cover. Stay on the floor, stay away from doors or windows and do not peek out to see what may be happening.
  • Make a plan with others in the room about what you will do if the shooter enters. Make a total commitment to action and act as a team with the others.
  • Do whatever is necessary to survive the situation.
  • If possible and safe to do so, report the location of the assailant.


  • An individual must use his/her own discretion about when he/she must engage a shooter for survival.
  • Generally, one can lie motionless and pretend to be unconscious or confront the individual.
  • Make a plan as to how you will survive the situation..
  • Make a total commitment to action and act as a team with others if possible.
  • Do whatever is necessary to survive the situation.


  • Drop to the ground immediately, face down as flat as possible. If you are within 15-20 feet of a safe place or cover, duck and run to it.
  • Move or crawl away from gunfire, trying to utilize any obstructions between you and the gunfire. Remember that many objects of cover may conceal you from sight, but may not be bulletproof.
  • When you reach a place of relative safety, stay down and do not move. Do not peek or raise your head in an effort to see what may be happening.
  • Wait and listen for directions from Public Safety and/or law enforcement personnel.


  • When law enforcement reaches you, do not run at them or make sudden movements.
  • The priority of the first responders will be to identify the shooter. Law enforcement will need to ensure that you are not the shooter.
  • Initial responding officers will not stop to give aid.  Their main objective is to find the shooter.  Aid will be provided after area is cleared of the suspects.
  • Do not scream, yell, point, or wave your arms.
  • Do not hold anything in your hands that could be mistaken for a weapon (including cell phones).
  • Try to be quiet and compliant.
  • Show the officers your empty hands and follow their instructions.
  • Give the number of shooters.
  • Give the location and physical description of the shooter.
  • Give the number and types of weapons.
  • When it is safe to do so, you will be given instructions as to how to safely exit the location.