In addition to all the enforcement operations that Taraval officers participate in, traffic, Muni, burglary theft from vehicles, auto theft, quality of life, etc, they will be adding recycling theft enforcement operations.
The district manager from Recology, Mr. Al Jimenez, has provided Taraval Station a map which shows the days of the pick-up of garbage and recyclables and the routes of the pick-up for the Taraval Police District. With this information, we can now more effectively enforce this violation. While the officers will be doing this, it is still easier for the police to arrest a suspect when a witness calls us when it is actually occurring.
If you see someone stealing your recyclables, do not confront the person.
- Call (415) 553-0123.
- Give a detailed description of the suspect.
- Give a detailed description of the vehicle and the license plate.