Just Purchased A New Bicycle, What Do I Do Checklist
- Write down your serial number, make, model and color of the bicycle. Put it in a safe spot where you won’t forget it. The San Francisco Bicycle Coalition has a freezer form that is very handy. www.sfbicycle.org.
- Buy a U lock. Don’t depend on cable locks. They are very ineffective. Learn the right way to use a U lock. Locking up incorrectly could cost you your bicycle. Any bicycle mechanic or sales clerk will be happy to demonstrate how to utilize the rear triangle.
- Replace quick release bolts with skewer sets. Bicycles are sold with quick-release levers for easy parts removal and storage. The downside of this convenience is that anyone can easily pilfer your seat or front tire in seconds. To prevent this, replace quick-release levers with skewer sets. Skewer sets can be bought at nearly any bicycle store and act as a locking nut-and-bolt to prevent your wheels from being removed. Some can only be undone with a special key, while others may require an Allen key. LOCK UP YOUR BICYCLE EVEN IN YOUR GARAGE!
- Take several pictures of the bicycle.
- Register your bicycle free of charge with San Francisco SAFE www.sfsafe.org (coming soon).
My Bike was Stolen, What Do I Do Checklist
- File a Police Report – (Let units respond to you or complete a counter report). Make sure you include the serialnumber, make and model in the report.
- Register with http://www.stolenbicycleregistry.com.
- Set up internet alerts using www.Ifttt.com or a Google alert.
- Contact www.sfsafe.org for security assessments and more useful information.
- Utilize social media, post to craigslist, and notify the cycling community.
- If you have video surveillance or possibly know where video surveillance is located then make sure that is indicated in the police report.
- Please follow me on twitter @sfpdbiketheft.
- Check out www.parkstation.org. We post stolen recovered bicycles on the Anti Bicycle Theft page.
Courtesy of Officer Matt Friedman #2048, Park Station/1899 Waller Street, San Francisco, CA 94117
Web: www.sf-police.org Twitter: @SFPDbiketheft