Taraval Station

Daily Crime Report :: Mon – May 02, 2016

*** Not all crimes are reported in the daily report *** Date of reported incident are not always the same as date of occurrence ***
Here’s the link to the RSS feed for the Daily Crime Reports: http://www.taraval.org/?cat=14&feed=rss2

Assault – Vandalism – Arrest
6:46 pm
3300 Taraval St
Officers responded to a report of a fight, with numerous witnesses providing information at the scene. The victim said that she was at her rental property when the suspect made a comment about her. The suspect then went into the building and came back out baseball bat while still continuing to berate her. The situation escalated and the suspect attempted to hit the victim but struck a vehicle with the bat before going back inside the building. After further investigation, the suspect was arrested.

Trespassing – Cited
10:16 am
00 Chumasero Dr
Officers responded to a report of a squatter. Apartment manager told the police that the suspect had been living in the apartment for a couple of weeks without paying rent and without consent of the owner. The apartment manager led the officers to the apartment and responding officers located the suspect sleeping in the apartment. In the apartment were numerous items of clothing and a mess of half eaten food scattered on the floor. The officers also located a cache of cell phones and credit cards in other people’s name in the apartment. The suspect was cited.

Theft from a locked Vehicle – Burglary Tools – Arrested
5:57 pm
100 Plymouth Ave
Officers responded to a report of a suspect breaking into a vehicle. The witness reported that he observed the suspect break into two vehicles and steal a case of sports drinks from the back seat. Responding officers observed a suspect matching the description given by the witness, who was drinking from a bottle of a sports drink. After further investigation, the officers located tools that can be used to break into vehicles and stolen property and the suspect was arrested.

Reported 9:29 pm / 700 Gonzalez Dr / unknown method of entry

Reported 12:16 pm / 100 Font Blvd / patio furniture stolen
Reported 4:14 pm / 3200 20th Ave / bicycle stolen

Vandalism to Property
Reported 5:03 pm / 2700 24th Ave / front windshield damaged

Theft from Vehicles
Reported 11:34 am / Kirkham St & 15th Ave
Reported 6:47 pm / 1500 43rd Ave

Traffic Collision
Reported 8:30 am / 800 Lake Merced Blvd / Vehicle vs Vehicle
Reported 9:30 am / Ocean Ave & Jules Ave / Vehicle vs Vehicle
Reported 8:00 pm / Berkshire Way & Lakeshore Dr / Vehicle vs Property