Taraval Station

Community and Officers Team Up With Great Results!

As Captain Flaherty mentioned in her Captain’s Message earlier this month, in order for us to catch the suspects who are committing thefts from vehicles, we need your help. Captain Flaherty said: “The more we work in partnership, the greater success we will achieve. I encourage all of you to organize your neighborhoods. Get to know your neighbors so you can all watch out for each other.” The following are two great examples in which our neighbors are helping out by being “the eye and ears”.

On 05/04/16, at approximately 12:29 pm, Officer Shinbori and Officer Downs responded to a report of a suspect who had broken into a vehicle and taken a cardboard box of items from the trunk. The witness provided dispatch a detailed description of the suspect, including what the suspect was wearing and which direction the suspect was traveling. The officers arrived on scene and because of the great description the witness had provided, the suspect was located  just two blocks away and still in possession of the cardboard box filled with the stolen items. The witness took extra time to meet with the officers to confirm that the person detained was indeed the suspect they had observed taking items from the vehicle’s trunk. In addition to the witness, officers located more evidence provided through a personal security camera which also recorded the incident. After further investigation, it was also determined that suspect was on a felony probation.

Today at 9:00 am, Officer Boyle and Officer Richards responded to a report of a person who was attempting to break into vehicles. A witness reported to dispatch that he observed someone looking into each vehicle as he walked down the street and believed it to be suspicious activity for the area. The witness provided dispatch with a description of the suspect as well as the direction the suspect was heading. Lt Aherne and Sgt Pai responded to assist and located the suspect a few blocks away from the reported location. Officers determined that the suspect had a warrant for his arrest and was on probation with a search condition. A search of the suspect and his property revealed a crowbar, a laptop computer, a backpack, a shaved key and a glass cutting tool. The officers turned on the computer and a name that wasn’t the suspects appeared on the screen. When the officers asked the suspect if the laptop belonged to him, he replied that he bought the laptop from a store on Irving St. Officers located the owner of the laptop and she reported that her vehicle had just been broken into this morning and that both her backpack and laptop were stolen. The victim went to Taraval Station and confirmed that backpack and laptop found with the suspect were, in fact, hers. 

Many thanks to our community for keeping their “eyes and ears” out, calling 911 and giving as much information, locations and detail about the situations as they were able to. With this assistance, the officers at Taraval were able to arrest these suspects quickly and return property to their rightful, and very grateful, owners.

Also we would like to acknowledge Officer Shinbori, Officer Downs, Lt Aherne, Sgt Pai, Officer Boyle and Officer Richards for their quick response and attentiveness in locating and apprehending the suspects.

Great Team Work, Everyone!