Taraval Station

Second Annual CIT Awards Ceremony


On June 2nd, at the Scottish Rite Masonic Center Auditorium, was an awards ceremony which recognized CIT (Crisis Intervention team) who are trained SFPD officers that have expertly used communications and de-escalation skills to safely and effectively resolve incidents involving individuals in mental health crisis situations. Acting Chief Toney Chaplin open the ceremony, with Palo Alto University Associate Professor and CIT Faculty Dr. Chris Weaver providing the keynote speech.

The training is designed to teach officers how to de-escalate incidents involving individuals in mental health crisis situations with attention to safety, time and terrain considerations.  The CIT curriculum addresses the following topics: Mental Health Disorders, Medical Issues, Psychotropic Drugs and Side Effects, Juvenile Mental Health, Geriatric Mental Health, Family Perspective by the National Alliance of Mentally Ill, Suicide and Suicide Intervention, Dual Diagnosis, Vicarious Trauma and Conflict Resolution, Suicide by Cop, PTSD Signs and Symptoms, Veteran Encounters and Interactions and Homeless Outreach. The CIT Program is supported through the Police Commission, officers of the SFPD, mental health advocates, health service providers and community members.

We are proud to highlight Officer Fernando Leiva, from Taraval Station, who was among the officers that were recognized at the ceremony.  Lt. Del Carlo spoke to the audience about Officer Leiva’s actions which resulted in the award selection. This particular incident occurred when Officer Fernando responded to a report of a suicidal person inside a vehicle and spent 35 minutes patiently speaking to and calming down a man who had locked himself inside his car and was threatening to kill himself with a screwdriver.  Officer Leiva was able to convince the person out of hurting himself and unlocking the door so that he would be able to get the medical attention and help that he needed.

