Taraval Station

Daily Crime Report :: Fri – Jun 10, 2016

*** Not all crimes are reported in the daily report *** Date of reported incident are not always the same as date of occurrence ***
Here’s the link to the RSS feed for the Daily Crime Reports: http://www.taraval.org/?cat=14&feed=rss2

1:25 am
2300 Irving St
Officers responded to a report of a stabbing. The victim reported that he was at a bar in the downtown area and had just just arrived via a taxi. After walking into the bar to use the bathroom and then ordering a drink, he walked outside to text someone when he felt somebody hit him in his back. The victim said that he initially followed the suspect but stopped and he did not recognize the suspect. Upon examination, the victim sustained a non life threatening stab in the back.

Reported 11:13 am / 500 Arballo Dr / entry through open window

Reported 9:47 am / 3300 Santiago St / theft of license plate sticker

Vandalism to Property
Reported 8:08 am / 400 Judah St / graffiti

Theft from Vehicles
Reported 7:47 pm / 300 Eucalyptus Dr
Reported 9:33 pm / 3200 20th Ave
Reported 1:28 pm / 1000 Moraga St
Reported 11:15 am / 1500 32nd Ave

Stolen Vehicle
Reported 11:32 am / 1900 Irving St / green 2000 Toyota Tacoma

Traffic Collision
Reported 11:50 am / Quintara St & 19th Ave / Vehicle vs Vehicle