Taraval Station

Daily Crime Report :: Tue – Jun 14, 2016

*** Not all crimes are reported in the daily report *** Date of reported incident are not always the same as date of occurrence ***
Here’s the link to the RSS feed for the Daily Crime Reports: http://www.taraval.org/?cat=14&feed=rss2

Violation of Protection Order – Arrested
9:45 am
1500 18th Ave
Officers responded to a report of a protection order violation. The victim reported that the suspect, his neighbor, was arrested a few days ago on threats. The victim also stated that he had a protection order against the suspect. The victim went on to report that he saw the suspect walk into his portion of the house, which was in violation of the order, earlier that day. Officers located the suspect for questioning and were told that the suspect entered the residence so he could change his clothes. The suspect was arrested in violation of the order.

Investigative Detention
6:22 pm
Bayview District
Our Taraval TNT team had information from Daly City Police regarding a known individual that was a suspect for a robbery committed in San Mateo County. The officers located the suspect in the Bayview District and detained him for Daly City police.

3:50 pm
2300 46th Ave
Officers responded to a report of a battery. The victim reported that his neighbor was outside playing a guitar which was attached to an amplifier. The victim told the officer that he had made numerous complaints with the suspect over other noises in the past. This time, the victim said that he confronted the neighbor about the noise and brought over some mediation paperwork to try and work things out. The neighbor grabbed the paperwork, crumpled it up and threw them back in his face. When the pieces fell the to the floor, the neighbor then picked up the paperwork and again threw it at the victim’s face before walking into his house. The victim walked into his home and called the police but the suspect vacated the area before the responding officers arrived.

Reported 11:01 am / 3200 20th Ave / items stolen from gym locker
Reported 5:30 pm / 200 Skyline Blv / items stolen from desk at a business
Reported 9:04 pm / 2500 Ocean Ave / shoplifting

Vandalism to Property
Reported 7:54 pm / 40th Ave & Vicente St / soccer ball from park hit vehicle
Reported 10:00 am / 300 Kirkham St / vehicle window broken

Reported 1:08 pm / 2300 28th Ave / credit card fraud

Theft from Vehicles
Reported 4:05 pm / 20th Ave & Eucalyptus Dr
Reported 10:45 am / 2600 15th Ave
Reported 8:34 am / 19th Ave & Holloway Ave
Reported 6:59 am / 3900 Alemany Blvd
Reported 5:18 pm / 3200 20th Ave
Reported 7:13 pm / 1300 10th Ave

Traffic Collision
Reported 4:29 pm / Great Hwy & Sloat Blvd / Motorcycle vs Sand