Taraval Station

Daily Crime Report :: Sat – July 02, 2016

*** Not all crimes are reported in the daily report *** Date of reported incident are not always the same as date of occurrence ***
Here’s the link to the RSS feed for the Daily Crime Reports: http://www.taraval.org/?cat=14&feed=rss2

Battery – Cited
11:51 pm
100 Tara St
Officers responded to a report of a battery. The victim reported that he was engaged in an argument with the suspect when the suspect threw a water bottle at him. The victim also tried to push the suspect out of the room but the suspect took off her slipper and started hitting him with it. The suspect responded that she was angry because she found her credit card in the victim’s pocket and reported that the victim kicked had kicked her side. However, the suspect changed the details multiple times after several minutes of questioning. After further investigation, the suspect was cited.

Driving While Intoxicated – cited
4:30 am
Moraga St &10th Ave
Officers responded to a report of a vehicle collision. Officers located the driver who appeared to be intoxicated with a flushed face, watery eyes and slurred speech. The driver admitted to having two drinks an hour ago. The officers conducted a preliminary alcohol screening test, which the suspect failed. After further testing, the driver was cited.

Search Warrant – Burglary – Arrested
4:45 am
Outside San Francisco
SIT sergeants investigated a robbery which had occurred several weeks ago. During the course of the investigation, a sergeant was able to identify a suspect. A search warrant was obtained; officers and sergeants responded to the location, executed the search warrant and observed the suspect walking towards his vehicle. When the officers approached the suspect, he immediately tried to flee the scene but was detained and arrested. Officers also conducted a search of the suspect’s house as part of the investigation. 

Reported 11:41 am / 1500 Sloat Blvd / personal items stolen from work
Reported 1:41 pm / 200 Holloway Ave / forced entry to laundromat

Reported 12:12 pm / 2200 18th Ave / package theft
Reported 2:14 pm / 1200 11th Ave/ bicycle stolen from shared garage
Reported 6:50 pm / 1400 LA Playa St / items stolen from lobby garage area
Reported 9:46 pm / 00 Zoo Road / personal items stolen from backpack

Vandalism to Property
Reported 3:38 pm / 2100 17th Ave / interior house window broken

Theft from Vehicles
Reported 2:04 pm / 500 John Muir Dr

Traffic Collision
Reported 3:48 am / Lurline St & Kirkham St / Vehicle vs Vehicle