Taraval Station

Extended – Community Outreach Survey Regarding Search for Chief of Police

The San Francisco Police Commission continues to seek community input on the recruitment process for the next San Francisco Chief of Police.

The community input survey will be available until Friday, September 16, 2016 at: http://www.ralphandersen.com/sfpc-survey/   The Commission encourages the public to participate in the process by taking the Community Input Survey.

Neighborhood associations, community and advocacy groups and other groups with an email list are encouraged to share the link with their members so they can participate in this process. Individual responses are anonymous and will be de-identified when reported.

Community members with any questions about or difficulties accessing the survey may contact Mr. Gary Peterson, Senior Consultant – Ralph Andersen & Associates, at 916-630-4900 or gary@ralphandersen.com.

For  other inquiries, please contact the San Francisco Police Commission at 415-837-7070.”Community Outreach Survey regarding search for Chief of Police