Taraval Station

Daily Crime Report :: Sat – Nov 05, 2016

*** Not all crimes are reported in the daily report *** Date of reported incident are not always the same as date of occurrence ***
Here’s the link to the RSS feed for the Daily Crime Reports: http://www.taraval.org/?cat=14&feed=rss2

Shoplifting – Arrested
5:55 pm
3200 20th Ave
Officers responded to a report of a suspect being detained for shoplifting. The witness, a loss prevention agent, observed the suspect perusing various items of merchandise while carrying two large shopping bags. The suspect then selected multiple items and carried them into a dressing room. When the suspect exited the dressing room, none of the items she carried in previously were in evidence. The suspect tried to exit the store but was detained without incident. When questioned, the suspect stated that she did not have any intention of stealing anything in particular but brought the two empty shopping bags in case she found items to take.  The suspect was arrested.

2:33 pm
500 Buckingham Way
Officers responded to a report of a robbery. Responding officers spoke to the victim, who reported that he was walking towards school with a computer monitor tucked under his left arm. Suddenly, a suspect came up to him and immobilized his arms while a second suspect pulled the monitor away from him. Both suspects then fled the location in a vehicle. 

Vandalism to Property
10:39 pm
100 Rice St
Officers responded to a report of vandalism. Responding officers spoke to the victim who reported that the suspect, whom she had a past history with, came over to her house and pounded on the door before leaving. When the victim went to investigate, she found that the glass pane to her front door was shattered. A broken jar with unknown liquid was also lying among the shattered glass inside her house. 

At 5:28am the next day, officers received a report that a person that matched the suspect’s description was in the area and was acting agitated. Responding officers investigated and discovered that the suspect was the same person. The suspect was arrested.

Robbery Attempted
9:58 am
2000 Sagamore St
Officers responded to a report of a possible robbery. The victim reported that the suspect purchased an item the previous week at his garage sale. The suspect returned and threatened the victim with a baseball bat because the suspect wanted to return the item and additional money for his trouble. The victim attempted to call the police on his cell phone but the suspect swatted the phone away. However, a witness also observed the incident and contacted the police. The suspect was arrested.

Reported 9:55 am / 00 Corona St / forced entry
Reported 1:05 am / 500 Ortega St / unlawful entry

Reported 10:45 am / 00 Borica St / recycle theft

Vandalism to Property
Reported 10:39 pm / 100 Rice St / vandalism to property

Theft from Vehicles
Reported 8:26 pm / 19th Ave & Winston Dr

Traffic Collision
Reported 1:52 am / Lake Merced Blvd & Brotherhood Way / Vehicle vs Vehicle
Reported 4:37 pm / 36th Ave & Ortega St / Vehicle vs Vehicle
Reported 9:50 am / 00 Buckingham Way / Vehicle vs Vehicle
Reported 6:22 pm / Quintara St & 37th Ave / Vehicle vs Property
Reported 6:20 am / Santiago St & 21st Ave / Vehicle vs Vehicle