Taraval Station

Daily Crime Report :: Tue – Jan 3, 2017

*** Not all crimes are reported in the daily report *** Date of reported incident are not always the same as date of occurrence ***
Here’s the link to the RSS feed for the Daily Crime Reports: https://www.taraval.org/?cat=14&feed=rss2

Shoplifting – Battery – Cited
6:10 pm
3200 20th Ave
Officers responded to a report of a shoplifter. Responding officers arrived and were immediately confronted with the suspect who was being combative against the store employees. The officers detained and successfully placed the suspect in handcuffs after a struggle. The victims, store employees, reported that the suspect was observed selecting multiple items from the store and hiding them in her jacket. When confronted, the suspect started fighting with the employees. After further investigation, the suspect was cited.

Check Forgery – Arrested
4:39 pm
900 Taraval St
Officers responded to a bank; the victim reported that her caretaker, a friend, had control of her money and was stealing from her by forging his name on her checks. The suspect responded that he had forged the checks because the victim had asked him to write her name on the checks. After further investigation, the suspect was arrested.

Reported 6:20 pm / 200 Granada Ave / unlawful entry

Reported 10:36 am / 1100 Ocean Ave / bicycle theft from common garage
Reported 11:30 am / De Long St & Santa Cruz Ave / stolen license plate
Reported 11:33 pm / 1600 42nd Ave / bicycle theft from inside gate
Reported 9:35 pm / 2100 14th Ave / theft of bicycle

Vandalism to Property
Reported 9:02 am / 1300 Ocean Ave / vandalism to building

Reported 7:45 pm / 300 Victoria St / credit card fraud

Theft from Vehicles
Reported 11:31 pm / 2800 San Jose Ave
Reported 2:53 pm / 1500 33rd Ave
Reported 1:30 am / 700 Taraval St

Stolen Vehicle
Reported 7:11 am / 1200 35th Ave / green 1997 Ford Explorer
Reported 4:41 pm / Victoria St & Pico St / maroon 200 Ford Explorer

Traffic Collision
Reported 12:10 am / 1100 Ocean Ave / Vehicle vs Vehicle
Reported 8:00 pm / Randolph St & 19th Ave / Vehicle vs Pedestrian