Taraval Station

Captain’s Message – February 2017

It is an exciting time for the San Francisco Police Department as we welcome Chief Bill Scott. We are proud to have his leadership and look forward to working with him. Special thanks to Assistant Chief Toney Chaplin, for his continued commitment and dedication to our department. Asst. Chief Chaplin provided us with the stability and the confidence we needed to move forward during a difficult time of change. I know I speak for many when I say, we are grateful for the sacrifices he made on behalf of the officers and the community. We know that he will continue to be a strong influence in his leadership role.

As 2016 came to a close, we saw a significant decrease in burglaries and auto burglaries. With crime trends on the decrease, it is important to know that our success comes from the partnerships we have made with the community and city agencies. Our officers are diligent in their efforts of higher visibility throughout the district. Our Taraval investigators are relentless in their pursuit of identifying suspects and solving cases while many of our community members also play a strong and active role in the safety of their neighborhoods. I must also thank the members of SFSafe who are an intricate component to the safety of our neighborhoods. I am confident that our efforts through our partnerships will continue to produce positive results in the future.

In January, the residents of the OMI were faced with the impact of an Officer Involved Shooting incident and a homicide. We understand the stress this places on the residents and know they rely on us to work closely with them to maintain a sense of safety in their neighborhoods. Our commitment to community policing through trust building is strong. I have noticed a decreased in the attendance at our community meetings and understand that life, especially during the holidays, can become extremely busy. Please know that your perspective and thoughts on issues and events are needed, valued and have been greatly appreciated. I would like to invite all of you to set aside one hour a month to participate in a community meeting in your neighborhood. Your participation is important and matters to us as we strive to demonstrate our professional best.

On Friday the 27th, I attended the 9th Annual NEN Awards. The Neighborhood Empowerment Network Awards is an opportunity to celebrate all the amazing people, groups and organizations that make a real difference in our neighborhoods. Our congratulations to The Outer Sunset for being awarded the Comeback Neighborhood of the Year! It was my honor to stand with you as you accepted your award and I look forward to witnessing your continued success in 2017. Long time OMI resident, Mary Harris was awarded the NEN Lifetime Achievement Award. This distinguished award was well deserved. Mary Harris is a champion of community safety and growth. Her volunteer efforts and commitment can be felt throughout the city. She has been a long time member of the Taraval Community Policing Advisory Board and I am incredibly lucky to have the opportunity to work closely with her. Congratulations again, Mary! Thank you for all your hard work and dedication!!

On Saturday the 28th, I attended two events in the OMI which I believe deserve acknowledgement. Congratulations to Habitat for Humanity as they opened housing on Sagamore St at Capitol. It was a three year long project that has resulted in housing for numerous families. It was a cold morning but the warmth of the community as the families were welcomed home was truly a memorable moment. As the day warmed up, the Shared Playgrounds program celebrated the opening of Sheridan School to the community on the weekend. I had the great opportunity to talk with the children who attended the celebration. They were excited to have the space available to them as they enjoy the outdoors. Special thanks to BOS Mark Farrell for your commitment to this growing program.

Saturday also marked the beginning of the Chinese Lunar New Year. The celebration of the New Year is a joyous time for the Chinese community. Unfortunately, it is also a time when suspects will attempt to victimize citizens. Please avoid having large sums of cash on your person or in your home. Also, many suspects will target residents who decorate their home for the Lunar New Year. We strongly discourage residents from decorating the exterior of their homes in an effort to lessen these chances of being targeted. If you have been a victim of a crime or suspect you are being targeted, please let us know.

We hope all our residents enjoy this special time of the year, Gung Hei Fat Choy! May you have a healthy, joyful and prosperous Year of the Rooster!

In closing, if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions that impact your neighborhood, please let me know. You can email me directly at denise.flaherty@sfgov.org or you can call me at 415-759-3100