Taraval Station

Daily Crime Report :: Thu – Feb 09, 2017

*** Not all crimes are reported in the daily report *** Date of reported incident are not always the same as date of occurrence ***
Here’s the link to the RSS feed for the Daily Crime Reports: http://www.taraval.org/?cat=14&feed=rss2

3:22 pm
19th Ave & Ortega St
Officers responded to a report regarding a possible hate crime. The victim, a school facility member who was acting as a crossing guard for the students, reported that a vehicle drove by with a suspect who shot a glass ball at his arm while saying derogatory words at the victim. Officers were unsuccessful at locating the suspect. 

12:33 pm
800 Grafton Ave
The victim entered Taraval Police Station to report harassment from her former partner. The victim reported that she receives an unbearable amount of constant phone calls, emails and texts from her former partner which has been causing her emotional distress. The victim stated she does not feel threatened. Officers documented the incident.

Domestic Violence – Arrested
2:00 am
Officers responded to a report regarding domestic violence. The victim reported that he was having dinner with his partner and his roommate when the partner and roommate got into an argument. The victim tried to intervene in an attempt to diffuse the argument but his partner grabbed a plate from the table and smashed it against the victim’s forehead. After further investigation, the suspect was arrested.

Theft – Cited
7:37 am
200 San Benito Way
Officers responded to a report regarding an auto boost. While on route to the scene, officers located and detained the described suspect. Officers also located the vehicle described in the auto boost report and made contact with the owner of the vehicle. The vehicle’s owner demonstrated video surveillance of the suspect rummaging through the vehicle. Officers observed the suspect on video to be the same person as the suspect in detention. After further investigation, the suspect was cited.

Battery – Domestic Violence – Arrested
7:55 pm
200 Sagamore St
Officers responded to a report regarding domestic violence. The victim reported that he and the suspect had been having marital issues and an argument ensued. The argument escalated and the suspect began slapping and punching the victim while he was holding their child. After further investigation, the suspect was determined to be the primary aggressor and was placed under arrest. 

Reported 8:35 pm / 400 Gonzalez Dr / Forced entry
Reported 7:24 pm / 100 Gonzalez Dr / Forced entry

Reported 2:40 pm / 2400 35th Ave / Theft of package
Reported 11:33 pm / 1100 Irving St / Theft from building

Vandalism to Property
Reported 4:09 pm / 1100 Fell St / Vandalized vehicle

Reported 12:59 pm / 1700 48th Ave / Impersonation

Theft from Vehicles
Reported 5:44 pm / 1000 Great Hwy
Reported 12:54 am / 300 Eucalyptus Ave
Reported 1:19 pm / 400 Castenada Ave
Reported 9:20 am / 00 San Pablo Ave
Reported 10:07 am / 3200 20th Ave
Reported 1:57 pm / 700 Lincoln Way
Reported 2:47 pm / 00 Garcia Ave
Reported 11:17 pm / 600 Taraval St

Stolen Vehicle
Reported 9:37 pm / 100 Lakeview Ave /1990 Brown Honda Accord
Reported 7:10 am / 18th Ave & Taraval St / 2005 White Chevy
Reported 11:20 pm / Winston Dr & Lake Merced Blvd / 1995 Blue Honda Accord

Traffic Collision
Reported 10:00 am / 28th Ave & Noriega St / Vehicle vs vehicle
Reported 6:51 pm / 1600 Judah St / Vehicle vs light pole
Reported 7:38 pm / Randolph St & 19th Ave / Vehicle vs pedestrian