Taraval Station

Daily Crime Report :: Sun – Feb 26, 2017

*** Not all crimes are reported in the daily report *** Date of reported incident are not always the same as date of occurrence ***
Here’s the link to the RSS feed for the Daily Crime Reports: http://www.taraval.org/?cat=14&feed=rss2

1:32 am
00 Higuera Ave
Officers responded to a report of a person with a gun. Responding officers spoke to the victim, who stated that a gun was not involved in the incident. The victim reported that he was at a small party when the five suspects, who were also in attendance, began picking fights with the rest of the party. The suspects proceeded to pick a fight with the victim’s friend and the victim attempted to defend him. The suspects punched the victim multiple times before fleeing the party. 

Burglary – Probation Violation – Resisting Arrested – Arrested
11:25 pm
2300 37th Ave
Plain Clothes Officers assigned to the Night Investigation Unit assisted Taraval Station in an attempt to arrest a suspect who had been identified as being involved in multiple burglaries. Once the suspect’s name and address had been obtained, several Plain Clothes Officers located and observed the suspect. After the suspect entered a house and exited again with a large and heavy bag, the Officers attempted to detain him. The Officers successfully detained and placed the suspect in handcuffs despite an attempt to evade and resist capture by the suspect. A search of the suspect revealed multiple stolen items. The suspect was also on probation with a search condition which allowed the Officers to search the suspect’s home, which revealed additional stolen items. After further investigation, the suspect was arrested.

Warrant Arrest – Arrested
12:42 am
00 Santa Paula
Officers responded to a report of a incident of vandalism. The victim reported that the suspect was yelling and damaging her plants and the watering system. Responding Officers located the suspect and conducted a computer check which revealed that he had a warrant for his arrest. After further investigation, the suspect was arrested.

Robbery – Possession of Stolen Property – Arrested
5:14 pm
3800 Noriega St
Officers responded to a report of a robbery. The victim reported that the suspect was observed selecting three to five bottles of wine from the back aisle before walking out of the store without paying for them. The victim attempted to stop the suspect but was threatened with a knife. Fearful of being stabbed, the victim let the suspect leave the store. Officers who were on patrol nearby successfully located and detained the suspect. A search of the suspect’s backpack revealed three different knives that were approximately twelve inches in length and several broken bottles of wine were observed on the ground nearby. After further investigation, the suspect was arrested. 

Battery – Arrested
5:47 am
Officers responded to a report of a battery. The victim reported that the suspect, who had a history of becoming violent when drunk, had bee drinking throughout the night. As a result, the suspect had hit and punched the victim multiple times that night. Officers made contact with the suspect, who was observed to be hostile and aggressive. After further investigation, the suspect was arrested.

Reported 9:16 am / 200 Summit St/ theft of a dog

Reported 12:48 pm / 700 Sargent St / false impersonating

Stolen Vehicle
Reported 10:56 am / 00 Thrift St / white 2012 Kia Soul

Traffic Collision
Reported 4:30 pm / 19th Ave & Lincoln Way / Vehicle vs Vehicle
Reported 6:50 am / 29th Ave & Vicente St / Vehicle vs Vehicle