Taraval Station

Captain’s Message: Update on Burglaries in the District 中文附加

Many of you continue to reach out to me to voice your concerns regarding the recent increase in burglaries we have seen in the outer sunset. In my message posted on Friday the 24th, I discussed our efforts in addressing this crime trend which has impacted so many of you. Our efforts have included increased uniformed patrols, community outreach and undercover surveillance. Since President’s Day weekend, we have utilized Taraval Station resources as well as our department resources to assist with the investigations.

On Sunday, February 26, 2017, members of the San Francisco Police Department Night Investigations Unit (NIU) arrested a known burglary suspect after witnessing him enter a home in the area of 37th and Taraval. On this evening, the suspect entered a residence using a crow bar through the front gate, on a house that was currently under construction. Shortly after exiting the residence, the suspect was taken in to custody. In this case, the suspect was on probation for burglary and had recently been arrested by the Taraval Neighborhood Team. Officers conducted a probation search of his residence for further evidence of burglaries he may have committed.

While this is not the suspect responsible for the President’s Day burglary series, this is a great arrest against further burglaries in the area. Thank you to the members of NIU and Taraval station for your continued commitment to the prevention of burglaries as well as the identification and apprehension of burglary suspects. While this arrest is a good example of our efforts in the area, it does not mean our efforts will decrease. Our commitment is driven by public safety and ensuring the residents of the Taraval district are confident in our ability to protect the community we serve.

In the past week, I have received many emails and calls from residents asking how they can safe guard their homes against burglaries. I have listed a number of steps that you can take to harden your home as a possible target. Also, we work in partnership with SFSafe to address these same questions. SFSafe offers a complimentary evaluation of your home where they will outline areas that you can focus on in making your home less attractive to burglary suspects. For more information, please call me at Taraval station or visit their website at www.sfsafe.org.

During this past week of surveillance, officers have seen homes with garage doors and entry way gates that have been left open. Please ensure that you take the time to secure your garage doors and entry way gates as well as doors that lead into the garage area or to the in-law area. It is the practice of burglars to check residences for unlocked gates and garage doors. I also strongly encourage all of you to get to know your neighbors. Look out for each other. Your observations of your neighborhoods are extremely valuable. Please continue to share that information with us as we work in partnership with you.

On Friday, March 3 at 11:30 am I will be holding at meeting at the Self Help for the Elderly Center located on 40th and Vicente (2601 40th Ave) This is our opportunity to meet with members of the outer sunset regarding concerns around crime. I will be joined by members of Supervisor Katy Tang’s office and the SFPD Community Engagement Office. Within the Taraval district, there is a large Asian community and we will have translators available at the meeting and I encourage residents to please join us in the discussion.

I am thankful for the emails and calls I have received and welcome you to continue to reach out to me by calling Taraval Station at 415-759-3100 or email me directly at denise.flaherty@sfgov.org.






在3月3日星期五上午11時30分,我將在位於40th夾Vicente的安老自助處(2601 40th Ave)舉行社區會議。這是接觸外日落區居民及聆聽對治安關注的機會,市參事湯凱蒂辦公室及三藩市警察局社區參與辦公室亦會出席。Taraval擁有龐大亞裔社區,我們屆時會有翻譯,我鼓勵居民出席這次社區會議。



A reminder:

Be a good neighbor; if you see someone going door to door and ringing door bells for no apparent reason, please call the police!

Although home burglaries may seem random in occurrence, there is an active selection in process. Simply, homes are chosen based on several factors such as an unoccupied home with easy access (unlocked windows, doors, etc), the greatest amount of cover (to hide their actives from neighbors or pedestrians), and also homes with the fastest and easiest escape routes.

The following is a list of suggestions to minimize your risk by making your home look occupied and there for unattractive to potential burglars:

  • Make sure you do not put bicycles, leave bags, back packs or other items of value inside the front gate or an alley that leads to the front door.
  • Use curtains on garage and basement windows.
  • Never leave notes on your door such as “leave package with neighbors” as burglars will know that you absolutely are not at home.
  • Lock all outside doors and windows before you leave the house or go to bed. Even if it is for a short time, lock your doors!
  • Leave lights on when you go out. If you are going to be away for a length of time, connect some lamps to automatic timers to turn them on in the evening and off during the day.
  • Keep your garage door closed and locked
  • Don’t allow daily deliveries of mail, newspapers or flyers build up while you are away. Arrange with the Post Office to hold your mail, or arrange for a friend or neighbor to take them regularly.
  • Take your garage door opener with you if you park your vehicle outside.
  • If you hear the door bell ring or have an announced visitor, you do not have to answer it. But make some noise or have it seen that the house is occupied.The most common way to force entry through a door with a wooden jamb is to simply kick it open. The weakest point is almost always the lock strike plate that holds the latch or lock bolt in place. The average door strike plate is secured only by the soft-wood doorjamb molding. These lightweight moldings are often nailed on to the door frame and can be torn away with a firm kick. Sliding-Glass Patio Doors can be defeated by the latch or just breaking the glass.
  • Make sure your home is secured and hard to break in to: 
  • No lock, regardless of its quality, can be truly effective. Key-in dead bolt locks provide minimum security. Ask a locksmith for advice on your situation.
  • Consider upgrading the slide glass to a heavy duty unbreakable glass.
  • Secure all accessible windows with secondary blocking devices.
  • Block accessible windows so they can be open to no more than 6 inches for ventilation.
  • Make sure someone cannot reach through an open window and unlock a door.
  • Make sure someone cannot reach inside the window and remove the blocking device(s).
  • Use anti-lift devices to prevent windows from being lifted out.
  • Change locks immediately if your keys are lost or stolen.
  • When moving into a new home, have all locks changed immediately.
  • Pushbutton locks on doorknobs are easy for burglars to open. Install deadbolt locks on all your outside doors instead.
  • Have adequate exterior lighting. A motion-sensitive light is recommended for backyards.
  • Trim trees and shrubs so that they cannot be used as hiding places for intruders especially at the entrance way.
  • Install Security Cameras
  • Make sure you engrave all expensive items you have with your driver license number or other identifiable information.
  • If you have a home alarm system, use it! Alarm systems are only useful when you remember to activate them. Many burglars know this and will not be deterred by a window sticker or sign indicating that the home has an alarm system. Contact your alarm company and ask to shorten the time it takes for the alarm to notify the alarm company. Remember that thieves will have several minutes before the alarm will notify the security company that there has been a break in. From there, it will take several more minutes for the company to notify the police and for the police to arrive on scene.

Your neighborhood may also be interested in being active as a group! Start A Neighborhood Watch with SFSAFE


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住宅爆竊           (Burglary Safety Tips)



1.     離家外出前緊記把門窗關閉上鎖。一半以上的爆竊作案都非是強


2.     關好門窗就是門和窗都被緊貼地穩固在關閉的位置上,要不能被



3.     除卻安裝一把性能良好的門鎖外,亦要確實門身和門檻側柱都是


4.     定時有系統地作一房屋保安檢巡。從屋前到屋後,地層到上層,


5.     常常維修和保持你的物業外觀良好,良好的屋宇維修添增穩健保


6.     經常修剪環繞屋宇的灌木,安裝充足的照明及移動感應燈以保持


7.     在大門及經常使用的門上安裝一有180度之廣角窺視鏡。應門


8.     遇到陌生人上門做訪時,不要隨便讓進或提供任何信息除非你能


9.     可考慮安裝一防盜警報系統以增強你住宅和個人的安全。但購買


10.   在你的住所街區發起組織或參加一由三藩市防止罪案資源中心


話415/553-1984 與三藩市防止罪案資源中心聯絡及索取更多有關



向警察舉報。緊急事故應撥電9-1-1 舉報求助





© SF SAFE, Inc 2012                                                                                                                       Jan.12