Taraval Station

Daily Crime Report :: Mon – Feb 27, 2017

*** Not all crimes are reported in the daily report *** Date of reported incident are not always the same as date of occurrence ***
Here’s the link to the RSS feed for the Daily Crime Reports: http://www.taraval.org/?cat=14&feed=rss2

Warrant Arrest – Arrested
5:20 pm
37th Ave & Noriega St
Officers responded to a report of a vehicle which had been parked for an abnormal length of time. Responding Officers located the vehicle and conducted a computer check which revealed that the occupant had a warrant for his arrest. The occupant was arrested.

Vehicle Violation – No Driver’s License Issued – Cited
11:22 am
100 Clearfield Dr
Officers were on patrol and observed a vehicle with broken break lights. The Officers conducted a traffic stop and a computer check revealed that the driver’s license had expired. The driver responded that he had forgotten to renew his license. The driver was cited.

Vehicle Violation – No Driver’s License Issued – Cited
6:53 am
19th Ave & Winston Dr
Officers were conducting LIDAR enforcement and observed a vehicle traveling at 52 mph in a 35 mph zone. The Officer conducted a traffic stop and a computer check revealed that he was an unlicensed driver. The driver was cited.

Vehicle Violation – Suspended Driver’s License – Cited
7:10 am
Lawton St & 10th Ave
Officers were on patrol and observed a vehicle that failed to stop at a posted stop sign. The Officers conducted a traffic stop and a computer check revealed that the driver had his license suspended. The driver was cited and his vehicle towed.

Forgery – Arrested
2:00 pm
TNT Officers and Sgt Hom conducted an investigation with Secret Service regarding forgery and counterfeit money. The Officers gathered leads and identify suspects and together, the Secret Service and the Taraval Officers conducted a search warrant and was able to arrest the three suspect who were involved in the incident.

Reported 10:29 pm / 00 Holloway Ave / forced entry
Reported 12:31 pm / 1400 39th Ave / forced entry

Reported 3:01 pm / 400 Randolph St / theft of a bicycle
Reported 11:19 am / 300 Arballo Dr / laptop stolen from shared apartment
Reported 8:02 pm / 3200 20th Ave / shoplifting – Arrested

Vandalism to Property
Reported 9:16 am / 00 Invernesee Dr / vandalism to vehicle
Reported 1:20 pm / 600 John Muir Dr / vandalism to vehicle
Reported 7:41 am / 1900 Ocean Ave / vandalism to property

Theft from Vehicles
Reported 5:38 pm / 00 Harding Road
Reported 7:42 pm / 100 Cerritos Ave
Reported 8:20 am / 3000 25th Ave
Reported 9:30 pm / 100 Cedro Ave

Traffic Collision
Reported 11:33 pm / Plymouth Ave & Farallones St / Vehicle vs Property
Reported 9:10 am / Winston Dr & 20th Ave / Vehicle vs Vehicle